As many of you will be aware, I have recently moved house into a home that I own. I am therefore a home owner. Having been furnished with dire warnings as to the difficulty I would have with the purchasing of a residence, I was moderately unprepared for it to sail through smoothly and without hassle. By contrast the actual furnishing of the home and setting up of services has, to date, been arduous and stressful.
- I have no sofa, though that is no suprise. That said, the expected delivery date approaches quickly and I don't see them achieving it
- I have no furniture downstairs at all (save for a single chair and a very impressive television unit). The dining table and chairs I was meant to have have yet to arrive, I have been given the option of cancelling the said items due to the poor delivery
- I have been unable to set up broadband on my line since AOL has broadband active for the previous owners. Despite the rest of the civilised world including OFCOM stating that AOL were able to remove this broadband, AOL denied this and occasionally hung up on me when they got bored of me arguing
But the world is not all doom and gloom, the house itself has so far proved to be marvellous.