New Beginnings

Dec 11, 2006 22:11

Dearest Bloggers,

So begins another of my livejournal reigns. In 2 short years I have gone through 3 accounts, and am now up to my fourth. Here's hoping this one lasts longer then the others have, but only time will tell.

I'm currently into my second week of unoffical holidays, and I have to say the time goes much faster with work and more friends to worry about. Tis the season, and so there are always heaps of angry customers at work. Not the greatest place to be when you are sick, as I have been my last two Saturday shifts. Not fun at all. It's been nearly 3 months since I started, and I have a whole of $7 left in my account, out of over $900. How irresponsible of me.

Speaking of irresponsible, a mere 37 days until my neice/nephew is due to be born. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. My poor sister has put on 10 kg's since she was fertilizer (ROFL) and is still as tiny as ever. Foetus as it is commonly called amongst our family is due on my late grandfather's birthday, so my sister has taken it upon herself to make sure that it is born on the 17th. The hormones are making her crazy, but the baby shopping is fun, and I know that I am going to be even poorer then I am now after Foetus is born. Apparently if the heart rate is over 140 it's a girl, and if it's under it's a boy. Foetus is currently at 163 as of last heart rate checky maggigy, so if all goes well, I should have a healthy neice to harass. Fingers crossed.

Ahh. Before I decided to actually pay attention to my new livejournal, I planned on cleaning my room. It is been way too messy for too long now, and soon I am hoping to have a visit from a dear friend of mine, so I really SHOULD clean it before the vampires under my bed move out. -sigh- it's just so much effort. But I should do it, so this is where my fingers depart the act of typing.

Over and Out,
Nicole x.
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