(no subject)

Jun 30, 2010 18:47

I would like to announce that we have approximately 193 characters on our taken lists! Your friends list should read at 194 (or 193 if you joined after June 19th) now because of the mod account.

Route 29 is one month and one day old, and we've had few ups and downs but I would like to say one thing:


On behalf of probably-drugged-up Okami as well, I just want to thank you guys for making this game so exciting and fun. Sure, we're still working on the kinks and making sure everything runs smoothly, but we're all doing our best and it's been lots of fun! I opened this game thinking we would have just twenty people at most and that's if we tried hard. Not... over a hundred, let alone almost two! I'm... just so proud, you guys!

...but enough of sappy stuff. Go fix yer flists!

Weekly Friend Add/Remove
Please copy the following into the Admin Console.
friend add 2beamasonator
friend add bakaitoukid
friend add because_boys
friend add devilbatshit
friend add dinsfire
friend add divinewolfflood
friend add faythful
friend add got_ur_materia
friend add hardynature
friend add harrowinggale
friend add hottest_turk
friend add iamthewheat
friend add indemnifies
friend add madeofhonour
friend add maicarhazac
friend add masterofbonk
friend add recites_always
friend add saddlebrooming
friend add threeheads
friend add used_perishsong
friend add useddragonrush
friend add usedsweetscent
friend add usedthief

friend remove bahamukokuu
friend remove cod_2b_joking
friend remove grande_pioggia
friend remove idkmybfftoro
friend remove lone_holmcross
friend remove peltingrain
friend remove tarteaumatons
friend remove usedrockthrow

For full updates, please run the friend remove list as well! We accidentally left some people in the friend add who shouldn't be there. I thiiiink it's all fixed; if not, let me know!

Also, our first activity check is starting tomorrow! Be on the look-out! The requirement for Route is one post per month. Tomorrow, we'll explain how we do it.

!weekly add/remove, stormy has an umbrella

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