As promised!

Dec 05, 2011 00:14

As you all know, due to the train plot, there was a bit of a delay in this, and for that we apologize. However, next weekend, on the 10th, 11th and 12th, we're proud to kick off Route 29's third...


The event will take place from Saturday, Dec 10th through Monday, Dec 12.

Note: Due to the Fourth Wall event, apps will be delayed until Monday night.

Following the successful moving of all the Grunts from Mahogany to Goldenrod, the Team takes on the arduous task of moving the very last item from deepest catacombs of their Science division: the completely incomprehensible teleportation machine. Since they had so much luck last time they did this, they're trying to be a little more cautious the second time around. And it works!

Until they have to load it out of the helicopter. Delicate operation, you know. Anything could go wrong--and something did.

As usual, following the cue from a mod post, there will be a loud crack and a flash of white light in Johto. When your characters blink a few times, the scene before their eyes will return to normal... however... there will be a lot more people, or beings, in the cities, or along the routes, or even just trolling about on the PokéConnect.

Paths will be ridiculously easy to pass, or, if you want, ridiculously difficult. It can take as long or as little as you want it to in order to go from city to city, and you can check out whatever building you want. Hell, if your character is accidentally caught in the glitch, they may wake up in an unfamiliar place!

What's a fourth wall, you ask?
The Fourth Wall event is where people from other games, random characters, even players themselves, just randomly interact with your characters. It's a literal breaking of that invisible "fourth wall" that separates the game-verse from... the rest of the internet.

How do you participate?
In short, a character makes a post in their journal and others tag it. You could tag other entries if you don't want to make a post. You do not have to use just your character journal to tag; you can use characters from other games, crack accounts, player accounts, and the like, to interact with the character who made the post. We would like to request that you keep all fourth wall activities to your character journals and not the logs community because of the security settings on the logs community (however, feel free to log in your journals).

What kind of characters can participate?
Anything and everything, from AU versions to characters in-game or those from other games, ponies, disembodied heads, zombies, Arceus with a saddle, the players, Hello Kitty, and the list goes on... You can choose whether your character remembers the previous fourth wall or not.

Will my character remember the 4th wall?
Your character will not remember it as an actual event in-game. The Rockets are using a whole army of Hypnos in order to mindwipe all of the citizens of Johto. However, the event may still be remembered in bizarre, sometimes-vivid details, in the form of very wild and incoherent dreams.

As well as the three-day time difference. There's no explanation for that one. The Professors will just say everyone fell asleep, again. Feel free to not believe that. To make it worse, you may not be where you were last... feel free to remain where you traveled during the incident, or anywhere else...

What about people coming in, can they have a pokémon too?
Sure thing! You can bring in any pokémon from any generation and challenge whoever you want for however much you want. Feel free to knock down or burn down anything. Current players are also allowed to have whatever else they want in their party, but your party will return to what you had in-game after the event.

What if I don't want to participate?
The fourth wall is not a required event. However, it does affect the game's setting, so logging would have to be backdated or forward-dated to before or after the fourth wall. Please keep in mind that due to the size of the game, your posts may get lost in the event-related posts.

What if I just arrived and haven't made an in-character introduction post yet?
Feel free to arrive in the middle of the event! Your character will probably just be that much more confused. You may also hold off until after the event if you wish, in order to not become lost in the confusion.

Would my non-human character remain in their form for the event? What about powers?
Up to you! Your character can return to their original form, powers intact, or whatever you like! Have fun.

Can my character catch pokémon during the event?
Yes, they may. However, they won't be able to keep them. The game will be "reset" so that the three days didn't have any lasting effect.

Does this count for the activity check?
Yes. Yes, it does. :D

!fourth wall

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