
Jun 14, 2011 22:44

So, your soul's been stolen by a Shedinja? Well, that sucks.

As each soul is taken, their minds roam into a special dreamlike world not on any map. Within this world, each person is subjected to strange dreams and nightmares, not just of their own subconscious but of others' as well. As their bodies remain still and lifeless in Johto, their mind can explore and travel and chat to others.

For this, we'll have a group log, to which you guys can roam as far and as broad as you feel like. Feel free to meet others in your strange dreams, or nightmares--injuries are possible, but you may end up popping in a different dream if you're attacked too badly.

But what about those who are still conscious, wondering what happened to their friends?

Well, the first part is to hopefully keep them from getting attacked by wild pokémon or wayward trainers. You'll be babysitting a fairly unconscious friend, or even a random individual you may have spotted on the streets. That is, until Saturday...

On June 18, around one in the afternoon, everyone's PokéGear will begin to go off.

With Gears blipping on, Professor Oak leans back from the video with a somewhat frantic look. "Attention, everyone! It seems there has been terrible mistake in handling some Pokémon, and they are now on the loose. They are called Shedinja, and I highly urge anyone who hasn't, to not look into their backs. While naturally caused Shedinja will not have this ability, these ones unfortunately have been kidnapping souls!"

Holding up a black Pokéball, he continues while gesturing to the item. "You can pick up any number of these special Pokéballs I have asked Kurt to design for capturing these Shedinja, and I would greatly appreciate if you sent them all to me. Bringing them to the Center in these will let the Nurses know which are to be sent to me and which are a trainers Pokémon that they are keeping." In other words, don't catch anything but Shedinja in these Pokéballs.

Leaning back, Oak then crosses his arms with a concerned expression. "Again, I urge anyone out to capture these Pokémon to be extremely careful. Capturing them will release the souls already taken, and that is why we cannot simply knock them all out. Since these are such a difficult Pokémon to even find, I'm afraid I don't have all that much information for you on them," Lifting a finger in a telltale motion though, he straightens, "But! I can say that they have a special ability; it is called Wonder Guard. It may be incredibly weak, but Shedinja's special ability allows it to be unharmed by many attacks. Since it comes from a Nincada evolving into a Ninjask, we can assume it is a bug type, and due to what it is, we can also assume it is a ghost type. These types may be the key in figuring out how to knock them out."

Ending the feed with a single wave, Oak nods then. "Please be careful, trainers, and good luck!"

That's right. You'll be catching pokémon to save these individuals. Each PokéCenter will be given a plethora of mysterious black Pokéballs. Along the trails, carrier Pidgey will be dropping them around, in the hopes that any trainer can find and collect a few. Using them, it'll be your task to defeat and capture as many Shedinja as possible.

They're levels 20-50 and found anywhere.

And with each captured Shedinja, you will free a soul. However, freeing a soul from the Shedinja does not guarantee that you've freed your friends. If anything, you may have freed the spontaneous person who collapsed on the other end of the region! If you're lucky, you could possibly free your character's friend on the first or second catch. For convenience's sake, we're not going to enforce this, but keep in mind that your character's soul can easily be returned to their body by sheer luck alone, or random player in one part of the city could have just perfectly-timed your saving.

By the end of June 25, most, if not all, of the Shedinja should be caught. Stray ones might panic and release the soul before fleeing Johto. Everyone will return to their bodies, probably confused as ever.

Unfortunately, these Shedinja aren't for keeps. If anyone tries to keep one and use it in battle, they'll most likely flee upon first release. Whatever's happened to them, they don't want to be around people... Weird little buggers.

You may, however, keep whichever spare special pokéballs, but there's a downside: they don't work on any pokémon besides the Shedinja for a while. But feel free to keep them, tear them apart, throw them at trees, or jump on them like they're a teenage girl's cell phone.


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