
Jun 09, 2011 07:08

We hope you guys had fun with the fourth wall! However, you're not getting off that easy.

After all, there's trouble brewing in the midst...

Starting today, Murkrow slowly begin flying into the cities. First just a glimpse or two, maybe one lingering around the pokémart rooftops, one cawing from a nearby tree. However, as the days pass, they get a bit more noticeable, seeing as they start popping up almost everywhere. There will be numerous ones sitting on the edges of buildings and power lines.

However, it gets a bit worse. June 12 brings the appearance of Houndours. First roaming in one at a time, they snoop around the city, hanging mostly to the shadows. But they're watching, waiting... And like the Murkrow, they're multiplying by the day.

On June 13, Misdreavus and Gengar begin to appear. Because the Gengar are playful by nature, they waste no time teasing and bothering anyone who happens to look interesting enough to bother. The Misdreavus choose to hang closer to the shadows, but they begin to pop up in the most random of places--out of closets, from under beds, in front of windows...

By June 15, all four pokémon are in the cities and along the routes, just watching. Most of them won't cause trouble unless you do.

But... why are they here? What are they waiting for?

They always said crows were a bad, bad omen...

These new intruders are available for capture. They're all between levels 15 and 40, but they're a tricky bunch. Regular pokéballs will work on these so feel free to catch them if you wish!

In the early hours of June 16, a few Shedinja appear in the cities and along the paths. They're rare and hidden, often appearing to one or two people at a time, or when a person is lagging behind in a group.

If you choose to check it on your Dex, you'll get the following entry:

Shedinja's hard body doesn't move - not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed that this Pokémon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back.

Are you daring enough to try it? They will flee at the first sign of a battle, but they'll float calmly, waiting, for anyone to peer into the hollow body more closely.

Those who do will fall into a world of darkness.

Purposefully or even an accidental moment of staring at a retreating Shedinja will steal the soul of the character. Your character will fall unconscious for a few minutes or hours, but upon waking, they'll be mostly unresponsive, lost like an empty shell.

Freaky, isn't it?

In short, characters who volunteer will have their souls stolen by the troublesome Shedinja. Their friends, or even random strangers, will be left with the task of rescuing them. When Professor Oak discovers the chaos, he'll explain how you'll rescue them in a future post. And for those who are getting kidnapped, have no fear! We'll have something for you guys to do as well. This plot will require a bit of teamwork and some battling to get everyone back safely! We’d totally appreciate it if you gave us a heads up so we can have a headcount for this plot <3

ETA: You can sign up as many as you'd like!

→ Click for PART 2

!event, !plot

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