The wind will very soon become a storm

Oct 30, 2010 17:04

Who: restardom and any of her Square/Disney/KH travel buddies (Rise why) if they feel so inclined. Otherwise, it's just a stand-alone.
Where: Somewhere on Route 32
When: The first night of GLITCHING GALORE, shortly after Nanako's post
Summary: Rise copes. Or tries to. ACTION IS TOTALLY FINE.
Rating: G is the guess here.

She hated this.

Rise rarely hated anything, but there was no doubt in her mind that she hated this.

She could keep herself calm in dangerous situations when she needed to keep a cool head. She could call for others to think straight when she knew that what everyone needed was just to take a deep breath and calm down. She knew-- but that didn't make this any easier. Knowing she had to be the reassuring presence for a frightened Yayoi and Nanako, to assure Souji that she was fine, that she wouldn't leave her current group-- it didn't make any of it easier. It didn't hurt her heart any less to watch her leader get attacked by something skeletal and wrong, to call for him and wait, anxiously poised to do something for a full forty minutes and in desperate tears by the time he'd finally responded. It didn't hurt her heart any less to see Yayoi in tears over what had become of her Pokémon, even as she'd promised that she wouldn't become a "statue" like they had. And Nanako-- the bravest seven-year-old she knew, who'd been separated from the others and forced to flee and take refuge in a cave without anyone there to hold her close and tell her it was okay...

She remembered, all too acutely, holding that tiny body close to hers, shielding and protecting her as best as she could while she called out support and reminders to the team. Nanako didn't deserve to be dragged into this, just as she hadn't deserved it back then, and now Rise couldn't even go to her as quickly as she wanted to.

They were hurting, and the only thing she could do for them was to stop crying, put on a strong front, and remain as steady a support as she could. All of this panic wasn't going to help the people she was traveling with, either, and so Rise had deliberately lagged behind the group to try and get herself under control. They were still in her sights, but she wasn't her usual bouncy, perky self and she didn't feel like giving them another cause to worry after her previous panic attack. Instead, she did what she'd promised Souji she'd do: she followed the network closely, making notes of the weird creatures people were seeing. There were two she knew of for sure, skeletons, and... static? Block-y static? Along with more, but there were definite similarities.

"Hang in there," she whispered, head lowered and hugging the Pokégear to her chest... as if those words were the only thing keeping her from breaking. But she couldn't. She wouldn't let herself. She'd be of no use to anyone then.

Rise shook her head fiercely and picked up her pace, one-footed hop/limping as it was-- somewhat difficult without an Ampharos or an Onix assisting her, but she'd since adjusted to this type of movement and could get around fairly well; she didn't need Ven hurting his back for her sake. She'd be with the others soon enough. She just had to maintain faith that everyone out there could stand their ground long enough to get help.

lightning farron | final fantasy xiii, rise kujikawa | persona 4, sora | kingdom hearts

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