Who: Squall Leonhart and Firion, then Aerith and Cecil, and then the Warrior of Light. XD
Where: Dark Cave, Route 31, CherryGrove City
When: A few hours after
thisSummary: Squall and Firion finally leave the cave, run into Aerith and Cecil on the way back, and then the Warrior of Light upon returning to Cherrygrove City.
Rating: IDEK
After many battles, Squall and Firion were finally out of the Dark Cave, both exhausted and a little more than sore. Firion was ready to sleep, to be perfectly honest, he had yet to really get a decent amount of rest. But they had to return to Cherrygrove first. However, he made sure to post an announcement when they finally left before putting the phone away so that they may meet Cecil and Aerith on the way back. In the meantime, Firion looked to Squall.
"Will you be alright after this?" Firion asked, looking at him with a stern, but gentle gaze. He wanted to be sure his friend would be fine, even if nightmares may plague him still after this. He didn't tell anyone, but he still had nightmares himself. So he knew Squall would have them soon after this, if not immediately. "And... will you travel with us? Light, Cecil, and I?"
They never traveled together during the Conflict, hardly looked at each other when all ten of them were together, but Firion still felt that Squall was a friend. Sure, Squall reminded him of a certain brother-like figure back home, but everyone reminded him of someone back home and he was sure it was almost the same with the others. After all, didn't Squall mention that Seifer, whomever he was, was like him with his talk of dreams? It didn't matter much to Firion, however. That they hardly traveled together, that he hardly knew much about the stoic teen. Firion didn't think he had to know that much to consider the young man a friend. After all, he could lose Squall any day. Death, going home, anything.
And if Firion didn't know a thing about him, like before, then how could Firion properly miss someone he barely knew?
[OOC: I put up subthreads for people to start posting in, there isn't much of an order established though, so we can establish one when everyone tags in]