Who: Heather Mason, Old Snake
Where: Outskirts of Azalea Town
When: Around noon
Summary: You know the thing that sucks most about camping? No hot water. Yeah, it kind of sucks. So against all reason, Heather's actually creeping into town to see if maybe possibly sneaking into the Pokemon Center is an option. It's not really that she wants to be
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She'd put the Slowpoke down on the ground, where it continued to lie on its side, legs complacently moving in a general swimming motion.
That had been... way too close.
She could hear the Jenny talking somewhere beyond her view from behind that little woodpile, so she didn't get up just yet. She didn't want to wind up doing the exact same thing she'd just done, again.
So she just sat, head angled back a little to try and see over the top of the lumber without actually sticking her neck out like a fluorescent blond sign that said ~*~ARREST ME~*~
But finally, when she was sure the officer had gone on her merry way, she let out a little sigh of relief and relaxed again, turning to look at the box that she'd been sitting ne-- ..... she had not been sitting next to a box.
The sudden emergence of BOX MAN had the impressive effect of making Heather jerk backwards against the woodpile with a small clatter and flatten herself against it, like she was trying to blend in with the surrounding scenery. She didn't really yelp so much as suck in an extremely-startled wheeze of breath-- which was to her credit, at least she didn't make a huge scene over being startled. She'd have been dead in five minutes in Silent Hill if she was the sort to do that.
But needless to say, she just sort of. Sat there. And went "D8". A lot.
For about a minute.
".... How the hell did you do that."
"Years of practice. But I can give you a few quick tips."
"I didn't even hear .... oh. ... You totally saw my fail there, didn't you."
She can't even manage one of her sheepish grins.
This is that embarrassing.
And after she'd declined his offer to help earlier and EVERYTHING!
Battlefield analogies made life easier for Snake.
"Well, it's gotta count for something, right? Heh..."
But she saw his point.
"I guess I'm just used to... um... places with a little more cover?"
"I-- ... yeah, I guess that makes sense..."
She'd done similar on many occasions over the course of that fateful night. Avoiding violence hadn't been an option most of the time, but wherever she could, she'd snuck past the monsters...
"What were you trying to do, anyway?" He might as well ask, since if it was something specific, he could help her with it.
The immediate impulse is to... well, MAKE SOMETHING UP, but... Snake was Otacon's best friend. By default, he was trustworthy until he gave her reason to think otherwise.
"Well... I was just trying to get to the Center.... I was kind of hoping I could get some hot water."
"Your face is on a warrant; sneaking in is one thing, but there are a lot of people on the inside. You're going to need more than a few distractions. Besides, people going back and forth into the forest is going to look suspicious."
This was a bit of a problem, but it just meant Snake was going to need a few more ideas.
"At the PokeMart, there are a few empty boxes. We'll need another one so you can hide, too. I'm not wanted, but I can't carry you." Snake explained, "However... If I can get one of the mart aprons, I should be able to sneak you into the Pokemon Center no sweat."
"Yeah, I was kinda... yeah."
She was going to say she'd thought of that, because she had, but that would also imply that she had a plan for it, which she... didn't.
"N'yeah, I don't... really want anybody to find out where Otacon's camping."
Snake was probably fine, but given the presence of a certain blond attention whore, the camp was probably something Snake'd want to be keeping away from for the time being.
Then Heather's brows popped up.
"... You're gonna help me? Seriously?"
.... Waaaaait.
"... How are we supposed to sneak into anywhere with just an apron and a couple of boxes."
Heather, stop doubting the Metal Gear Solid physics. THIS SHIT WORKS OK.
At first, the 'how' was a bit worrisome... But hey, was that a worker out breaking down boxes? YES IT WAS. Taking out a Pokeball, he tossed it in the air to reveal Sunny, who chirped happily.
"I'll be right back." Snake pointed to Heather, as if also telling her 'DON'T MOVE FROM HERE ASFDALSK'. He then turned and motioned for Sunny to follow him, re-equipping the cardboard box and heading towards the PokeMart, his Pokemon following overhead.
Except she totally was, right up until-- .... DUDE DID HE JUST DISAPPEAR
What just happened.
She could... she knew he was under that box, but.... DUDE.
"Hey there little fella. You're cute, aren't you?" the man smiled, then noticed the box, "Woah, I guess I missed that one... Huh."
He noticed. Snake began tapping the roof of the box in a rhythmic sort of way, and suddenly, Sunny was singing.
The worker blinked, before he yawned... and slowly sat down, falling asleep. Snake emerged from the box, removing his fingers from his ears, and grinned at Sunny, "Good job." Looking around, he pulled the unconscious body further behind the store to keep him hidden, before removing the apron around his body and putting it on. TOTALLY NOT SUSPICIOUS. There was a box-transportation cart nearby covered in boxes, but Snake only needed two decent sized ones. Removing boxes and adjusting ones he needed in a certain way, Snake returned Sunny and began to push the cart back towards the brush, looking as inconspicuous as ever.
Leaving the cart parked nearby with a sign on it reading 'nature calls', Snake snuck back into the brush and looked at Heather.
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
That said, she couldn't quell her curiosity COMPLETELY, so she'd sort of been standing on tip-toe, trying to peer through the tree-gaps back into town to catch glimpses of what he was doing. But between the distance and the... um, box, she couldn't see much.
Until he just sort of... spontaneously came into existence next to her, anyway.
She ALMOST jumped, but for the sake of her own dignity, managed to stop herself from totally double-taking.
"Jeez, you're like... magical."
How the hell did such an old dude move around like that!
"What'd you do?"
"I had Sunny knock out one of the PokeMart employees. That way, I could take these without worrying... And if anyone comes over here, they'll think I just jumped into the woods to uh... relieve myself." Snake shrugged, "Anyway, you'll need to get inside one of these boxes on the cart. I'll close it up, but there are handle-holes, allowing you to breathe. After that, I'll pile two other boxes on top of you, with a few of my own items inside them to make our case more believable. I hope you're not claustrophobic."
Because that would really suck right now.
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