Who: Yuffie Kisaragi and Cloud Strife
Where: Cherrygroove near the Pokémon Center.
When: Monday some time.
Summary: After speaking to Cloud when he first arrived, Yuffie pushed her team to make it to him.
Rating: PG rating mostly for Yuffie's mouth. C:
She hadn't wasted any time on back tracking, this was probably the hardest she had pushed her team since she had gotten to Johto. It had been a while since she had seen Cloud and had been feeling more than a little unsettled by his reactions to both Aerith and Zack. Yuffie knew exactly why seeing two Aeriths would be a bit much for Cloud, but she didn't have a clue what seeing Zack might do. Then there was the case of Tifa being younger. Yuffie still hadn't managed to get in touch with her yet. There was much for her and Cloud to discuss at this point, especially in regards to what to tell the others and what not to tell them.
The grueling pace at which she had used to travel was definitely showing by the time she made it into Cherrygroove. Her onix, Ishi had been a such trooper about the whole thing though and Yuffie appreciated it as she dismounted the giant rock snake. Her baby pokémon still sitting atop the head of the Onix. "Alright, Akako, it's time for you to go back into your ball," she said as the baby pokémon loudly protested with a small wail escaping her tiny lips.
Wary from the journey, Yuffie pulled the pokéball from her belt and called the crying pokémon back into it's ball. Onix thought to protest, but soon Yuffie had pulled her ball out too. "You too, Ishi. It's time for you to visit Nurse Joy at the center," she said, holding the ball up to call, Ishi back in.