stubborn vs stubborn

Dec 29, 2011 20:16

Who: Xion & Fang (Leon and Lightning can join, too!)
Where: Saffron City
When: December 23rd; several hours after this
Summary: It takes a lot of planning to keep a stubborn person down... or to just have another stubborn person step up to the plate. Fang seems to be that person.
Rating: PG? There might be some action, but nothing too bad.


[ It's still mid-afternoon, and the sun's still sorta up. Good thing she woke up extra early today... or not. After that brief incident of blood and Riku's insistence (as well as others') for her to stay in bed a little longer, Xion did obey and has gotten a few more hours of rest.

A few.

Now Xion's slipped out of bed and moving around, gathering things and putting on clothes. Axel the Typhlosion and Bahamut the Gabite stand off to the side while Xion rummages amongst her things for her wooden Keyblade. Once she does, she turns to them, knowing the stern looks on their faces. ]

It's only a walk out, and others are coming... I should at least greet them and show them around, right?

[ Axel puffs out a cloud of smoke in his version of a sigh and Bahamut yelps but doesn't do anything further when Xion moves to walk out of the Center. They follow, trying to be quiet themselves since it seems the staff are busy to look out for her at the moment. Riku also seemed to be out doing his own thing once Xion began to rest. Xion's done this kind of sneaking thing before.

Hopefully it works! ]

oerba yun fang | final fantasy xiii, xion | kingdom hearts, lightning farron | final fantasy xiii

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