My little ponies

Dec 08, 2011 13:00

Who: friendyousohard and the pony gang.
Where: Goldenrod, starting outside the Pokecenter.
When: Evening of the 5th.
Summary: Twilight's getting flown in to see her girls!
Rating: I can't imagine this getting above PG.
The flight out had been a mixed bag for Twilight. On the one hand, this was a type of flying she'd never experienced before. Usually, if she was going to fly, she took her balloon or rode in a carriage courtesy of a pair of helpful pegasi. Though she hadn't done the latter in some time. Flying on the back of a great bird, a Pidgeot as her Pokedex informed her, was something else entirely and quite exciting.

It was also extremely cold.

As much as she bundled up with everything she was given (not much) and tried to burrow into Pidgeot's feathers to stay warm, it didn't really do all that much to help. It was cold outside, it only got colder as they rose up, and the incredible speed made for equally incredible wind chill. The trip was not fun.

Still, when they finally flew in to land at Goldenrod, Twilight had to admit it was worth it. The city was amazing to look at from above, and she knew it would be equally as fascinating below. But most importantly, her friends were there, and if she didn't do things this way, she would have had to hike for nearly a month to reach them.

As they landed outside what Twilight knew must be the Pokemon Center (the first one she'd seen), she looked around eagerly, determined to take in all the sights she could. Not that most of what she saw made much sense at first glance, but she was certain she could figure it out soon enough.

The Pidgeot fluffed its wings and crowed at her, and she turned to give it a grateful look. "Thank you. I really appreciate you bringing me here." The great bird crowed at her again, and moved a little closer to drape a wing over her. "Oh! You don't have to stay, you know. I'm sure they'll be here soon." It didn't move, however, and Twilight had to admit, she was glad of the company. "Well, okay. I just hope your trainer doesn't miss you."

But the odds of that weren't high. It wouldn't be too long a wait, Twilight was sure.

feferi peixes | homestuck, twilight sparkle | my little pony, fluttershy | my little pony, applejack | my little pony

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