i'll walk to the mirror just to fix myself.

Nov 18, 2011 17:07

Who: conflictedrebel, restardom and wingless_falcon. [closed]
Where: Breeder's Center/House.
When: Tonight, because nighttime is always more dramatic.
Summary: It's like Karma said no and punched him in the face.
Rating: idk probably PG13 for doors being punched and strong language? But other then that, it's.... probably going to get reallly depressing up in here.

[Kanji had been a little.... anxious ever since he left that voicemail. Soon after he left it he knew he would regret it later. But mostly on a scale of "holy shit that was super fucking embarrassing" and "oh christ, did I really just record that?" but then he waved it off because Naoto never... she never really judged him for that. For being true. For just...

Anyways, after another fruitless attempt at trying to find Naoto in the house he gave up and headed back to his room. Something wasn't right though. He couldn't exactly place the feeling-- but he just knew that there was something in there that shouldn't be. Shrugging it off he headed towards his desk and sat against the edge. It could be nothing, really! Hell-- for all he knew whatever it was that he was sensing could belong to either Merlin or Saber.

Idly he reached down and picked up his gear that was beside him and flicked through the names. Blinking, he paused as he couldn't find her name listed. Well that's just-- no, can't jump to conclusions. Rocking forward so that he wasn't sitting on the edge of his desk anymore, he quickly typed in Naoto's name.


And again.

> username not registered.

No.... no way in hell was this happening. Not after-- especially not after... For a few seconds Kanji just stood there with a rather confused and hurt look on his face. He couldn't hear or feel anything. Everything was going numb. Until suddenly he snapped out of it and lunged at the next best thing he could use to take his anger out on, the door. Slamming his fist against it the door made an odd noise as the wood splintered and dented from the impact. Biting his lip and shaking his head he quickly ran off to find Rise or Merlin, or both.]

No way-- not again. This just... fuckin' place.

merlin | merlin, kanji tatsumi | persona 4, rise kujikawa | persona 4

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