
Aug 31, 2011 13:50

Who: reimprovise and rezoned
Where: Goldenrod
When: early morning
Summary: they talk.
Rating: PG-13?

you have no idea what your gentleness has left for me )

fuji shuusuke | prince of tennis

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rezoned September 1 2011, 06:06:13 UTC
[if there's anyone who can make morning seem like noon it's Tezuka, who's out before anyone's up and back before anyone's out. with that in mind, it's no surprise he's done a bit of a "morning routine" before eight (a jog around the city, one half for sight-seeing, one half for actual exercise).

of course, it doesn't quite show that he's done anything, really. He's returning with a slow walk, mostly for the Absol beside him--she's somewhat fatigued, but she's keeping up well enough.

like most things, it's only by chance that tezuka catches fuji right when he's off, and so tezuka stops. how much can he pack into one nod? let's find out.

a small nod of good morning/fuji/hello. his absol sits down.]


reimprovise September 2 2011, 21:38:16 UTC
[he reads all three, and more. he brightens visibly in the morning light upon recognizing the figure returning down the path -- brightening, because it's Tezuka, it's something he's missed, and because this early in the morning, there's no one else to bear witness.

he notes the fatigue of the Absol as he approaches, having been in Johto long enough to read pokemon almost as well as he reads people. he doesn't bother waving, doesn't bother with a verbal affirmation of the morning, because greetings have never the source of language between them.]

It must've been a good workout.


rezoned September 3 2011, 06:57:37 UTC
[a glance. fuji's quick to catch on to the situation. of course, something which is of little surprise. there's another nod here--one of confirmation, not greeting, which really looks exactly the same as the other one save for the fact that it's slightly shallower. does that mean anything to anyone other than fuji?

probably not.]

Somewhat. [though it was more for his absol, really--he was just supervising. as usual.]


reimprovise September 5 2011, 04:37:57 UTC
[mirth, amusement. the somewhat implies that it wasn't so much for his own benefit as it was for the pokemon's. it's something to remark upon, and since Fuji is Fuji, he certainly remarks up on it.]

A trainer capable of outlasting his genetically-altered super-animal.


rezoned September 5 2011, 05:48:56 UTC
[tezuka goes along with the small-talk easily enough, and as usual he's just going along with the direction that fuji takes.]

She's not trained. [as trained, anyway. despite the (somewhat) humble statement, the absol takes this opportunity to look a bit less fatigued--she was a proud genetically-altered super-animal, apparently.]


reimprovise September 5 2011, 05:52:01 UTC
[as trained as Tezuka is, being the unspoken implication, there. he leans back against the gate, chuckling. as per conventions, it's his duty to put a spin on the words. derive conversation from what's unsaid.]

She'd have trouble, holding a racket in her mouth.


rezoned September 5 2011, 06:35:12 UTC
[he observes the absol for a moment. sure, it's a ridiculous notion, but it's a bit of a habit to have a glance at the subject of the conversation--he's just used to being an onlooker.

... and then a nod. most people wouldn't even humor that thought, but tezuka is not most people. not that he's considering it seriously, but he is weighing it out in his mind.



reimprovise September 5 2011, 07:19:46 UTC
[he recognizes that nod-- because Tezuka is nothing if not serious, and even the lightest of topics should be considered, even if the consideration is as light as the topic itself. it's what he finds fascinating about Tezuka's psyche-- Tezuka, whose immovability makes mountains seem mobile, is able to entertain ridiculous notions with a nod.]

What's her name, anyway?


rezoned September 6 2011, 04:39:56 UTC
[well, that was an interesting question.

and for this answer, he merely looks at the pokémon in question. it was... a difficult task, really. tezuka had suggested names. it was what you were supposed to do, after all, but she was less a pet and more another partner, so her tastes were most important.

of course, her tastes were incredibly picky. so no, he hadn't been successful. he wasn't the most amazing at name choices, but he was observant enough to know what she did and didn't fancy, regardless of whether or not she was trying to fake her enthusiasm just so they could get it over with.]

. . . She's nameless, at the moment. [which is all he really deems necessary to say. his struggles were another thing.]


reimprovise September 8 2011, 06:59:06 UTC
[at the moment, he says.

he gives Tezuka a curious look, hands in his pockets, before that look morphs into something a bit more incredulous, the twitch of his eyebrow heralding laughter. Fuji doesn't disappoint. his chuckle is airy.]

Tezuka, don't tell me-- you can't find her a name.


rezoned September 12 2011, 00:59:58 UTC
. . .

[Aaand Tezuka's reaction to fuji's laughter is basically non-existant. in fact, there's nothing more than a return glance for confirmation. Embarrassment? No, not at all. His expression is basically the same as always, save for the slightest raise of an eyebrow.

He--just didn't see what Fuji found funny about the situation. Was it funny?]


reimprovise September 12 2011, 04:03:04 UTC
Tezuka Kunimitsu, our brave and fearless leader.

[he savours the words on his tongue, idyllic.] Capable in every which way, save for the naming of four-legged, fuzzy animals, for which he is sadly stumped.

[yes, yes it is.] You've never had a pet?


rezoned September 12 2011, 05:41:12 UTC
[Tezuka had had chance encounters with things that could be considered pets, but he didn't find those experiences all that applicable at the moment. merely because the few animals he had met weren't gifted with super special powers, for lack of a better word.

but he inclines his head just the slightest--just as an answer to the question. no, he hadn't had substantial experiences with pets. unrelated, since he found the absol a bit different than one, anyway.]


[simple, curt. an afterthought: she wasn't really fuzzy, but that wasn't the point.]


reimprovise September 12 2011, 21:09:39 UTC
[he considers this, quietly. for Tezuka not have owned a pet would mean a lack of experience in choosing names for small, fuzzy creatures. on the other hand, Tezuka would be diligent enough to recall the names of pets he may or may not have come into contact with-- and this is where it gets tricky, because Tezuka draws from his own experiences, but only when it's applicable.

which means...]

It might be easier to treat her as a normal animal.

[because despite the supernatural powers, at the end of the day, pokemon really were just pets. there's no need to differentiate, to treat differently.]


rezoned September 20 2011, 05:11:12 UTC
... Perhaps.

[and tezuka can see where fuji's coming from. the quietest consideration towards the absol, and he's back to running through names in his head. pet or no pet, her namelessness was the main goal.

somehow, he doesn't see himself shifting from the idea.]


reimprovise September 23 2011, 04:26:44 UTC
[he supposes that he can see the gears in Tezuka's head click away. this, really, makes him grin.]

Baby name books are sometimes popular.


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