purinsuzarippa and
sharkfoodbound .
Where: Starting at Cherrygrove City
When: August 24th.
Summary: With the addition of another Varia member into this place, Squalo decides to go ahead and pick up the lazy prince-- while he lazies around.
Rating: PG / PG-13, for possible voibombs / language.
[ Getting to Cherrygrove City had been easy enough, with the assistance of his newly acquired Vulpix, and avoiding most of the grassy areas. Really, it was much too troublesome to put much effort into it- most of the trip had been spent taking breaks under trees, napping quietly, eating that bento that was in the bag. The most vigorous sort of work. ]
[ Now, however, he was inside of the city, sitting down near the front of the Pokémon Center, already going through the trail mix that had also been inside of the bag, taking handfuls of it and shoving it in his mouth in the most princely sort of fashion while the Vulpix rested her head on his leg, letting out soft sounds while she slept. ]