Aug 09, 2011 17:07

Who: crossinggenders and nyanrolls
Where: Violet City
When: August 9 - Early Evening
Summary: Cruz has been feeling down in the dumps and Ranka ends up cheering him up!
Rating: G (IN 3D!!!)
[Lying under a tree, Cruz was thinking... Brooding... Broodinking.

He hadn't been feeling like himself at all. Even if he gotten his regular eight hours of sleep in, he would still feel... well, tired. And if someone were to speak to him, he would respond with a forced smile and a "I'm okay! Please don't worry about me!" However, there was always that hint of sadness on his face.

He knew people were always leaving Johto out of the blue... And he's seen some of his friends disappear too. But for some reason, it feels like that fact hadn't fully sunk in until Eve had left.]

... What am I thinking? It's better if things are like this, right? Everyone has a place to return to, so... Why do I feel-- [siiiiiigh]

Father... What would say in a time like this...?

ranka lee | macross frontier, cruz schild | needless

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