The moment of truth!

Jul 25, 2011 18:43

Who: Matt Engarde and Shelly de Killer.
Where: Route 44.
When: July 25th, early evening.
Summary: Shelly finally catches up to his target on Route 44. Unpleasant things happen.
Rating: PG-13, maybe? Depends on how violent this gets... I'll change the rating later if I have to.
Log: ( OSHI-- )

shelly de killer | ace attorney

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shellderkillder July 26 2011, 10:21:56 UTC
Shelly had been planning this since the moment he left Mahogany Town. Cover as much distance as possible on bicycle, get off as soon as he spotted Engarde, wait until he's alone, approach silently on foot.

He'd gotten off a few minutes ago and was now lurking in the tall grass, following his target as quietly as he could.

"Go. Block his path," he whispered to his Sneasel. Weasley was more than speedy enough to catch some Pokémon offguard; Matt Engarde wouldn't stand a chance. As he watched his Pokémon follow his command, his hand wandered towards the sharp Skarmory's feather he kept safely in his pocket and a sense of security - normality, finally things were as they should be in this illogical place - came over him.

He missed home. He missed his usual life.

But at the same time, he would miss his Pokémon too.

He shrugged those thoughts off.


usedrefresh July 26 2011, 15:38:36 UTC
With a big batch of berries in hand, Matt carefully stepped away from the tree he had been picking berries from and began to approach another one, but he was suddenly stopped by a Sneasel. He stared down at the Pokémon for a moment, thinking to himself. Didn't Shelly use a Pokémon like that in the battle he posted to the network last week...?

...He was really hoping that was just a coincidence.

"Um, are you lost?" Matt didn't even know why he was asking a Pokémon such a question.


shellderkillder July 26 2011, 17:21:57 UTC
No, he's not lost. At least, that was the message that the Sneasel was most likely trying to convey, with his claws menacingly by his side.

Then, Shelly stood up, approaching from behind, his feet light and silent.

They were a good team.


usedrefresh July 26 2011, 17:35:41 UTC
Yes, Matt got that message pretty clearly, taking another look at the Sneasel. Maybe it wanted some of his berries? Completely unaware of the assassin getting closer and closer to him from behind, he let about a handful of berries fall to the ground in front of the Pokémon for it to eat, then he tried to carefully walk around it so he could move on. He couldn't send out any Pokémon to take care of it because his hands were full, so he hoped the berries would be enough to get it to leave him alone.


shellderkillder July 26 2011, 17:56:39 UTC
The Sneasel didn't move; rather, he seemed to glare at Matt, outstretching an arm to block his way.

Meanwhile, Shelly edged closer. Engarde couldn't escape him now.


usedrefresh July 26 2011, 22:19:45 UTC
Matt let out a sigh. This was one annoying little Sneasel.

"C'mon, I'm not giving you anymore than that." He needed enough berries for himself, too...


shellderkillder July 27 2011, 13:05:37 UTC
If he didn't know any better, Shelly would disregard Matt as a depressingly dull young man.

But he's much smarter than that.

He was now standing directly behind him, his fingers expectantly dancing on the card in his other pocket.


usedrefresh July 27 2011, 13:44:50 UTC
At that point, Matt figured it would be best to just turn around and go back, since this Sneasel refused to budge, but as soon as he did--

There was Shelly. Right there. How long had he been standing there? Not that it really mattered. Matt was completely frozen in place from all the fear that just surged into him. He wanted to scream, try to make a run for it from the side, but his body refused to do anything. All he could do was stare at the assassin and wait to see what would happen now.


shellderkillder July 27 2011, 16:43:32 UTC
Shelly was not a sadistic man. However, that reaction - the tangible fear in the air - made his mouth twitch with satisfaction, in a repressed smirk.

"We meet again, Mr. Engarde." He retrieved the card from his pocket, his characteristic seashell meticulously hand-drawn for lack of a better way to have it.


usedrefresh July 29 2011, 07:24:29 UTC
Upon seeing that dreadful card being drawn from Shelly's pocket, Matt instinctively backed up a few steps; it was all he could manage, really, with the Sneasel standing so close behind him. He felt the berries that he dropped on the ground being squished underneath the soles of his expensive brown leather boots, but he couldn't care less. It was amazing his trembling hands hadn't dropped the rest of them already.

"D-De Killer..." Those were the only two words that could leave Matt's lips. What else was there to say to the guy, other than the obvious pleading for his life? He knew it wouldn't make a difference, and he didn't want to give the other man any further pleasure.


I... think I'm scaring myself shellderkillder July 29 2011, 09:30:24 UTC
"You're choosing not to beg, I see." Drawing one step closer, he slowly retrieved his knife-slash-feather from where it rested. "Frankly, I see no need for you to save your vocal chords. It's doubtful that you will ever use them again."


pffff usedrefresh July 29 2011, 16:42:37 UTC
Matt slowly shook his head. It was clear now that begging was exactly what Shelly wanted him to do, so he was going to resist. Perhaps this assassin was more sadistic than he claimed to be. There was one thing Matt wanted to say, though. "Just... get it over with..." The suspense was likely what was freaking him out more than anything else.


shellderkillder July 29 2011, 17:18:53 UTC
"If you insist." He was expecting this to be a more... complicated affair. Perhaps he thought about it too much. Perhaps he never adjusted his expectations, even after a year of being in Johto. Either way, he wasn't about to complain.

He brought the blade to Matt's neck and waited for any last words.


usedrefresh August 5 2011, 23:10:54 UTC
As the blade was brought to his neck, Matt could only spare it a brief glance before focusing back on Shelly's face, anticipating the moment that blade would be taking his life. How much was it going to hurt, he wondered. Would the pain last long? Matt wished he could at least fight back, but he'd seen this guy in action before; he knew the effort would be futile. His last words had already been spoken, so all that was left to do was wait in agony.


shellderkillder August 6 2011, 09:34:29 UTC
Nothing, then. All he had to do was apply a little more pressure...

And hope. Nobody had ever died in Johto before; Shelly hoped this would be a first, since by any rational laws of life, Matt Engarde should have no chances of survival by now.


usedrefresh August 7 2011, 14:39:00 UTC
As soon as that blade started digging into his throat, Matt squeezed his eyes shut and right at that moment, his body was engulfed in a white light and then he just. Disappeared. The berries that he was holding before dropped to the ground where Matt used to be standing. Did that mean he was dead? Who knows.


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