(no subject)

Jun 04, 2011 00:39

Who: Snake (poliswag), Clover (4leafcleaver)
Where: Route 29
When: JUNE 3, 2011. TODAY. Sometime in the afternoon.
Summary: The siblings finally reunite.
Rating: Nothing greater than PG.
[ It's only been a short while since he's seen Clover in person, but somehow it feels like a long time.

The moment he realized Clover was in Johto, it had been obvious where he was going. Obviously, any good brother would leave as soon as possible and hike back towards New Bark Town. Which is what Snake had been doing for the past few days, Skitty in tow.

Clover -- the Skitty, that is -- was extremely diligent through this walk in particular. She tackled Rattatas before they even came out of the grass, and now she was looking carefully through the Route, keeping an eye out for her Master's sister, as he had told her.

... Not that Snake wasn't already doing a fine enough job of looking for Clover on his own. In fact, he was quite carefully searching as best he could (which was actually very thorough).

This is a brother on a mission. ]
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