(no subject)

Jun 02, 2011 19:09

Who: holdsleftovers and p2iioniichacker
Where: Goldenrod City Inn, presumably.
When: Tuesday right after 4th Wall weekend.
Summary: Watanuki and Sollux and shenanigans.
Rating: PG-13 for Sollux's potentially foul mouth.
He had no idea how he'd wound up there, suddenly in a strange hotel with no recollection of the last three days. His employers back in Violet seemed completely unperturbed at the development when he called them; they assured him his contract was over, when Watanuki was certain he'd had a day or two left...

Either way, he was free now to do as he pleased. As it turned out there was one person he knew in Goldenrod, whom he'd been looking forward to meeting for some time. Finding him was simply a matter of asking Akiba to track down the coordinates of his 'gear.

Which was how Kimihiro Watanuki wound up on the doorstep of Sollux Captor's inn room, giving three polite knocks.

sollux captor | homestuck, kimihiro watanuki | xxxholic

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