♘ can you escape out in time?

May 22, 2011 16:38

Who: Everyone working/living inside the breeding centre. [ usedswitcheroo , usedpresent , usedgrowl , wingless_falcon , restardom , usedeverything , usedkunai ] - CLOSED
Where: Goldenrod City - Yu and Yuudai’s breeding centre
When: Night time - about 9:30 PM
Summary: While everyone inside the centre is getting ready to close up, head to bed, etc, the two Gyarados belonging Kagami and Souji attacks the centre’s left wing of the second floor. Mass destruction, rooms destroyed, small fires starting, people screaming, Pokemon eggs in trouble. Let’s Survive.
Rating: PG-13 at the most

The breeding centre of Goldenrod City follows a very usual schedule.

At nine am, Yu and Yuudai’s centre opens. At a quarter after twelve is lunch where everyone can take a break while either the centre closes for an hour or there’s shifts taken to watch front counter. The same happens with dinner at half past six. Then finally, at ten is when everything is closed. All orders are placed for the next day and everyone is allowed to head back to their rooms for the night. All of the eggs are checked on upon closing and the Pokemon that are let out from the employees at the centre are either allowed to sleep inside, outside, or in their balls.

It is all to a normal day to the centre and tonight is no different.

It’s 9:30 PM and in just thirty minutes, the business is closed for the night. Normally, everyone is allowed to leave to whatever business they have whenever it’s to head to their rooms on the second floor, head back to their hotel rooms, go shopping, whatever. Souji is the one that usually locks up and makes sure everything is fine, which this night is for now.

That is, until loud roars can be heard from outside, easily able to at least make someone wince from it or wake someone that has gone to bed early. If that doesn’t wake them up or alert them that something is terribly wrong, suddenly, everything begins to shake.

On the second floor of the left wing of the bedrooms, suddenly everyone in those rooms will suddenly find their roofs looking as if it will start to crumble at any second. Perhaps some parts have already fallen or perhaps that wall you have once had has suddenly disappeared. Whatever it is, your room is becoming destroyed and it’s coming apart.

On the second floor of the right wing, things will be falling and tumbling. Perhaps the Hyper Beams of the Gyarados have at least damaged the roof of your own room, though nothing as serve on the left side. While those with their rooms there might be safe, they might not be for long because… is that smoke in the air? Anyone that has been around a fire will surely recognize this smell and who knows where this fire is starting. Wherever it is, it is probably best not to stick around if it grows larger and traps anyone.

On the first floor of the centre, the ceiling lamps above will swing and the open windows that Souji likes to keep open on warm days will suddenly welcome in large winds of dust from the destruction upstairs. Loud sounds of things falling can be heard upstairs and suddenly, the ceiling for the first floor doesn’t look as safe.

It will take no genius to notice that something is attacking the centre and with deadly force.

Quickly, get out.

Get out and survive.

(( ooc: Tags can be done in prose or actionspam. This is a free for all like a mingle post, so you can tag everyone, have joint threads, whatever! If thread jacking, remember to ask for permissionnnn.

Here’s a map of the second floor and where everyone’s rooms are that are staying at the centre which has been chosen by the muns! See where that Gyarados is? It’s attacking actually the empty room, Rise’s, and Yosuke’s at this point. The room with the eggs? Well, everyone better hurry and get over there to save them before they’re all flatten.

Also, the fire that’s starting? It’s starting in the empty room so even more reason to get the hell out and save those eggs! Any questions, PM me or if you know my plurk, WELL, YOU KNOW. I think everyone involved in this is on my plurk anyhow… ))

merlin | merlin, elizabeth middleford | kuroshitsuji, yosuke hanamura | persona 4, kagami hiiragi | lucky star, daisuke niwa | dnangel, souji seta | persona 4, rise kujikawa | persona 4

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