
Apr 04, 2011 00:10

Who: bakaitoukid and veritadorata [closed]
Where: Violet City
When: The afternoon of April 3rd
Summary: Two magicians meet to talk about MYSTERIES.
Rating: G, PG at the highest
Log: ( Generic log cut goes here )

kaito kuroba | detective conan, battler ushiromiya | umineko

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what is this tl;dr veritadorata April 4 2011, 05:38:29 UTC
[Battler wasn't exactly fond of rainy afternoons, and with good reason. But for now, he didn't seem to mind at all. He had left Maria and her new pokémon friends in their dry and warm room and told her he needed something and would be back later ( ... )


it is something delicious bakaitoukid April 4 2011, 05:51:30 UTC
[He almost missed it, the bright red slipping out of the inn, and if he hadn't been looking for it he might not have seen it at all. He hesitated, but only briefly, before his pace quickened and he rushed toward Battler as quickly as he could.

What are you up to, Battler-san...]

Ooooi! [He made sure to call out loudly, so Battler could hear him above the downpour]



*cries* veritadorata April 4 2011, 06:10:10 UTC
[Hah... he could still hear Lambdadelta, and those words were colder than any rain falling on him.

You'll just be eternally trapped in a hell where you constantly think of ways to escape the closed room while denying the logic error.

Such a happy hell. Perhaps his mind did choose a hell worse than any other. A hell with a possibility of a happy ending--


Battler turned around as he heard his name, and moved his wet hair out of his eyes, surprised.]



/EATS bakaitoukid April 4 2011, 06:12:33 UTC
[Oh good, he wasn't running. A stark change in demeanor from their last conversation, where he had signed off so quickly Kaito hadn't had the chance to ask any questions.

The magician lifts a hand to wave as he approaches, slowing to a walk the closer he gets and offering his friend (yes, still his friend) a grin]

Heh. I had wondered where you were. Should've just checked the inn first.


Noooooo veritadorata April 4 2011, 06:37:04 UTC
[Hand. He looked at Kaito's hand, still wondering what just happened. All those theories he constructed about Johto and the people in it came back like a hammer on his head, leaving him with his eyes going from hand to face a couple of times before taking it, not without a hint of suspicion.

Why was Kaito here?]

You could've just called me and ask.


83 bakaitoukid April 4 2011, 06:45:13 UTC
[Kaito shrugged, brushing a few drops of water out of his eyes as he did so]

You could've just hung up on me again.

[It was clear what he had been searching for Battler to talk about]


veritadorata April 4 2011, 06:56:30 UTC
[That was a low blow... but there was truth in his words. He wasn't a coward, but he understood what could've happened if he had continued that conversation. He already lost much to add more wood on his pyre.]

Can't we let that one die?


bakaitoukid April 4 2011, 07:00:48 UTC
[This was one thing Kaito wasn't going to give up on that easily]

Oi oi... 'm usually not one to pry. Everyone has their secrets, and I respect that. There are a lot of things in this world that weren't ever meant to be discovered.

[A beat]

But you mentioned 'murder.' That's something I can't let go. [His own moral code wouldn't let him]

There's something more to what you asked me, isn't there?


veritadorata April 4 2011, 07:31:11 UTC
It was just a silly question. Morbid, I know, but nothing more than that.

[It was a question that left him with a bitter aftertaste for days. He wasn't someone who could enjoy killing a human being, it just wasn't in his nature.

But he was the Game Master. He was the Sorcerer. In a way, he wasn't human. Words were his shield, as much as closed rooms were his weapons... so, he knew he wasn't doing his job right when he managed to hit himself with his shield, even going as far as opening a wound. It was like someone else wanted to show him just how human he could still be.

And now it was the time to choose. Just as he had chosen to be Human with Lion, as he had chosen to be Sorcerer with Maria.

What would be his choice now with Kaito?

He knew Kaito would be someone he could trust, as soon as they shared their opinions on magic. He never realized there would be a time where a friendly chat would become a tough decision.]...you don't mind if we walk a bit? I don't think we'll get more wet than we are right now. Besides, isn't this ( ... )


bakaitoukid April 4 2011, 20:29:18 UTC
[Murder mystery]

... sure. [Kaito lifted a hand and jerked his thumb out toward the city]

As long as we avoid the piles of flopping Magikarp, that is. [He didn't want to risk another freak out]


veritadorata April 5 2011, 04:41:03 UTC
It's a good thing there's a forest around? I don't think the Magikarp are brave enough to go in there. And, unless my luck calls a thunder right on the tree I'll be standing under, I think it would be a nice place to talk.


bakaitoukid April 5 2011, 04:44:20 UTC
[... snort] I bet my luck'll balance that out. I've got plenty!

[But he's heading in that direction, waiting for Battler to follow]


veritadorata April 5 2011, 04:56:02 UTC
[Half smiles as he walks beside Kaito. He doesn't want to go deep into the forest... just enough to talk without unwanted ears.

Battler feels like his stomach is full of ice cubes.]


bakaitoukid April 5 2011, 05:03:11 UTC
[Kaito watches out of the corner of his eye, trying to gauge a reading on what Battler is thinking at the moment. Since his fellow readheaded magician requested they talk in the woods, Kaito's staying silent in order to let him lead the conversation]


veritadorata April 5 2011, 05:20:31 UTC
[Even without paying much attention, it is obvious Battler is tired. Not physically, no... he looks emotionally tired. His paranoia has driven him to a point he didn't know he could reach at all. Whether they were real or not... driving his sister away, keeping his distance from those he loves... it was hard.

The Truth he holds is far more important, and he knew that... but he still feels a little alone.

No matter..... Battler finally stops, not far from town at all. He leans on a tree, his mind once again focusing on his decision.]


bakaitoukid April 5 2011, 05:32:35 UTC
[Kaito can definitely tell, and he wonders, exactly, what Battler had put himself through while in Johto. They were friends, of course, but the redhead still mostly kept to himself... not that Kaito could blame him, really.

He had his own fair share of secrets.

He stopped walking, glancing up at the sky and shielding his eyes from the rain as it continued to drop down on them, though not nearly as heavily thanks to the shelter of the forest trees]

So... [He said after a moment of silence] Is it all still a secret?


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