I know we had one of these a couple months back, but as we've had a lot of new arrivals since then, I thought it might be neat to try it again and present another opportunity to help fill each other's teams out and build new CR :3
The point of this post basically is to make a list of the pokemon you can offer to people in-game (either by catching
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What pokemon they have to offer: Pidgey, Geodude, Magnemite, Krabby, Koffing, Scyther, Magikarp, Porygon, Hoppip, Magby, Ralts, Drifloon, Snover, Rotom (NOTE: ALL of these will require the use of someone's Ditto or matching egg group to breed.)
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Squirtle, VOLTORB, Sneasel, Beldum.
Your character's name: Shirou Emiya
What pokemon they have to offer: Charmander, Weedle, Shellder, Onix, Skarmory, Drifloon, Snover, Rotom.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Magnemite, Farfetch'd, Cubone, Scyther, Kabuto, Wobbuffet, Pineco, Qwilfish, Treecko, Ralts, Torkoal, Wynaut.
...and is that Voltorb for Athrun because how they both love SELF-DESTRUCTING?
Actually, no. It's because Voltorb is the closest thing the Pokémon world has to a Haro.
Haha, that actually works too! Ah, I should really give SEED and Destiny another watch soon~
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