I know we had one of these a couple months back, but as we've had a lot of new arrivals since then, I thought it might be neat to try it again and present another opportunity to help fill each other's teams out and build new CR :3
The point of this post basically is to make a list of the pokemon you can offer to people in-game (either by catching
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What pokemon they have to offer: Uh... depending on if she can find a breeder or a friend to help out on some of them-- Miltank, Lapras, Oddish, Dratini, Cleffa (EVENTUALLY), Ponyta, Eevee, Mareep, Onix, and Shellos
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Rise's really not actively looking for anything, though she should... probably try and get a Flying-type at one point that ISN'T a Pidgey.
Your character's name: Kisa Sohma | biteisbigger
What pokemon they have to offer: Because she is like the one breeder who will never ever use a Ditto-- Togepi, Swinub, Growlithe, Shinx, Pichu (not for awhile, though) and Girafarig
What pokemon they would like in exchange: She's trying to get her Zodiac types for her family... so any Dragon-type for Hatori (I'd say Horsea, but I try not to let my characters have the same ones), Tauros for Hatsuharu, and Mankey or Aipom for Ritsu??
Your character's name: Kay Faraday | yattagarasu
What pokemon they have to offer: Chikorita, Murkrow, Zubat (ahahaha), Gastly, Swablu, ( ... )
...and assuming Kairi doesn't receive a ditto, 410 would be glad to let her borrow Napalm for breeding purposes as long as she keeps track of the eggs produced and can give her back the data on them. (and she'd probably want to negotiate purchasing a tropius egg as well at some point if there's more than one XD)
And Kairi could do that. XD I'm sure she'll end up with more than one, probably around 2 or 3.
would you want a bby owlbag eventually
And that would be kind of hilarious
XD Henry-mun and I are planning for their castmate-friendship to bloom over Claudy and his Noctowl SPAMMING THEM WITH HOOTHOOTS, so probably sometime over the summer (t-they're too far away from each other right now for it to happen right away sob) there will be an EXCESS OF HOOTHOOTS.
And Heather would be all too happy to give Rise one.
I think. I think I might be able to get onboard with this. Not that I like putting Rise through lots of keysmashing or anything. I mean. Really.
Heather is clearly the best friend anybody could ever ask for and gives the best presents.
... I really need an icon of Heather making the trollface.
don't worry she'll get something nice for her too to make up for it
oh okay Rise will cope then
Kairi, Mikuru can breed Eevee eggs, well she might have an extra for the exchange for Horsea.
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