Pokemon Trading Post

Mar 25, 2011 10:14

I know we had one of these a couple months back, but as we've had a lot of new arrivals since then, I thought it might be neat to try it again and present another opportunity to help fill each other's teams out and build new CR :3

The point of this post basically is to make a list of the pokemon you can offer to people in-game (either by catching ( Read more... )

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Comments 394

makesagoodwife March 25 2011, 17:15:39 UTC
Speaking on behalf of my characters, they are not picky if the pokemon on their wantlist are bred or if they're captured in the wild if you have someone relatively advanced in their current adventures who can hunt them.

Gaga | catsteward
Can offer - Glameow, Eevee, Charmander, Skitty, Lapras, Feebas, Porygon, Shinx, Gastly
Wants - Meowth or Persian, Riolu, Turtwig

Belphegor | makesagoodwife
Can offer - Scyther, Munchlax, Eevee, Houndour
Wants - Slakoth, Piplup, Chicorita, Riolu, Swablu

Siesta 410 | usednihihi
Can offer - Drifloon or will let you borrow her ditto to breed your pokemon with if it means eggs
Wants - Chansey, Miltank, Magmar, Shuppet, Misdreavous, Mudkip, Female Nidoran, Marill


kokyou_e March 25 2011, 17:33:23 UTC
Rorona can offer up Marill and Chicorita eggs! She's already getting a Drifloon egg from someone, I think


makesagoodwife March 25 2011, 17:35:18 UTC
Awesome, we can arrange that easily! :D Gaga's traveling partner has a ditto so he can pretty much breed whenever. *can make Belphe or 410 pay for the second pokemon to make it a fair trade* XD


galaxyflonne March 25 2011, 17:39:12 UTC
I never did work out if Roro picked up a Ditto while in Goldenrod

but okay!


photonsaber March 25 2011, 17:29:21 UTC
Cocona Bartel | photonsaber
What pokemon they have to offer: Poliwag, Wooper, Bellsprout, Natu, Swablu, Pichu (depending on the "CR" with Kuro the Pikachu) and anything around Olivine City.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: I'm up for negotiations?!

Mammon of Greed | wantnotneed
What pokemon they have to offer: Lapras, Sandshrew, Charmander, Abra, Caterpie, and anything around Mahogany Town.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Nothing for the moment?! She'd prefer money unless they have a really good pokemon in exchange for her Lapras egg.

Daisuke Niwa | usedswitcheroo
What pokemon they have to offer: Heracross, Girafarig, Totodile, Smeargle, Trapinch, Skarmory, anything around Ilex Forest & Goldenrod.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Also up for negotiations?!

Hinagiku Katsura | tsunpresident
What pokemon they have to offer: None... or anything within Violet City?
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Will consider pokemon that are types other than what she already has.

Sayaka Miki | frustratings
What pokemon they have to offer: None or anything around ( ... )


usedtroll March 25 2011, 22:35:28 UTC
June would pay to get a Charmander!


frustratings March 25 2011, 22:43:51 UTC
How much would she pay for it, max? Since Mammon is... greedy and all.


usedtroll March 25 2011, 23:48:50 UTC
I think at most, she'd spend... P5000? i-is that a lot. ;;;

But, she has a lot of money saved, so it isn't really an issue. c:


exeggutorhead March 25 2011, 17:34:28 UTC
Your character's name: Envy | exeggutorhead
What pokemon they have to offer: Ekans and Eevee, but with a Ditto there is also Larvitar, Houndour, and Shinx. Also whatever he can catch around the Goldenrod area.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: I want him to get a Tropius so bad does anybody even have one? 8( Alternately, MONEY. He is so poor.


killer_sweets March 25 2011, 18:32:03 UTC
Killua can offer money for shinix egg.


exeggutorhead March 25 2011, 23:54:36 UTC
Sure! His Luxray is male though so something will have to be worked out with a Ditto DIDN'T KNOW HE HAD A DITTO ALREADY, so disregard that and there is no problem with breeding at all herpderp.


awesome_scott March 25 2011, 22:26:13 UTC
Could Scott get a Larvitar? Post-preplotted stuff, he'll have a Ditto he's willing to whore out, and I love Larvitar. even if scott's also the poorest ever GEEZE HOW WILL WE DO THIS


hintcoinplz March 25 2011, 17:39:50 UTC
Your character's name: Luke Triton | hintcoinplz
What pokemon they have to offer: Drifloon and Girafarig, possibly his Buneary and Swinub since he's not doing much with either.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: I'm not sure...he really needs a water type though.

Your character's name: Patti Thompson
What pokemon they have to offer: Miltank or Miltank eggs!
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Ponyta, she needs a Ponyta =|b


usedeverything March 25 2011, 17:42:22 UTC
My characters are more the kind to offer Pokemon, especially the Professor and Souji, so you don't even have to offer them something. You can just ask and they'll give you an egg, sometimes free or at a really low price like what Souji has done in the past a few times. They're also not very picky, so you don't have to offer them the Pokemon I have placed down in the desired part. That's just a bonus if they can get it \o\

✩ Hershel Layton || profpuzzle
Offers: Vulpix, Hoothoot, Duskull, Growlithe, Abra, Piplup, Pidgey
Desires: At this moment, nothing really. He is not looking icly, but I wouldn't mind having him get either a Bulbasaur or a Charmander.
Extra: The Professor is really nice so he'll most likely give eggs for free or a very low price of like..P50 or something. I was actually going to have an egg giving away post sometime next week \o\

✩ Souji Seta || usedeverything
Offers: EVERYTHING-- Skarmory, Magikarp, Smoochum, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Cleffa, Eevee, Gible, Rampardos, Buneary, Dratini, Glameow
Desires: Jesus, this guy has like... ( ... )


makesagoodwife March 25 2011, 17:46:39 UTC
Belphe would love a Piplup :O

Gaga could provide a Charmander! (ICly I guess we could arrange that he sold Belphe the egg and then Gaga gave him the Charmander as a byproduct of breeding his eevee and the ditto decided to take advantage of his charmeleon while it was at it) XD


greenwithlevia March 25 2011, 18:58:12 UTC


makesagoodwife March 25 2011, 19:31:15 UTC


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