I know we had one of these a couple months back, but as we've had a lot of new arrivals since then, I thought it might be neat to try it again and present another opportunity to help fill each other's teams out and build new CR :3
The point of this post basically is to make a list of the pokemon you can offer to people in-game (either by catching
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Comments 394
Gaga | catsteward
Can offer - Glameow, Eevee, Charmander, Skitty, Lapras, Feebas, Porygon, Shinx, Gastly
Wants - Meowth or Persian, Riolu, Turtwig
Belphegor | makesagoodwife
Can offer - Scyther, Munchlax, Eevee, Houndour
Wants - Slakoth, Piplup, Chicorita, Riolu, Swablu
Siesta 410 | usednihihi
Can offer - Drifloon or will let you borrow her ditto to breed your pokemon with if it means eggs
Wants - Chansey, Miltank, Magmar, Shuppet, Misdreavous, Mudkip, Female Nidoran, Marill
but okay!
What pokemon they have to offer: Poliwag, Wooper, Bellsprout, Natu, Swablu, Pichu (depending on the "CR" with Kuro the Pikachu) and anything around Olivine City.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: I'm up for negotiations?!
Mammon of Greed | wantnotneed
What pokemon they have to offer: Lapras, Sandshrew, Charmander, Abra, Caterpie, and anything around Mahogany Town.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Nothing for the moment?! She'd prefer money unless they have a really good pokemon in exchange for her Lapras egg.
Daisuke Niwa | usedswitcheroo
What pokemon they have to offer: Heracross, Girafarig, Totodile, Smeargle, Trapinch, Skarmory, anything around Ilex Forest & Goldenrod.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Also up for negotiations?!
Hinagiku Katsura | tsunpresident
What pokemon they have to offer: None... or anything within Violet City?
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Will consider pokemon that are types other than what she already has.
Sayaka Miki | frustratings
What pokemon they have to offer: None or anything around ( ... )
But, she has a lot of money saved, so it isn't really an issue. c:
What pokemon they have to offer: Ekans and Eevee, but with a Ditto there is also Larvitar, Houndour, and Shinx. Also whatever he can catch around the Goldenrod area.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: I want him to get a Tropius so bad does anybody even have one? 8( Alternately, MONEY. He is so poor.
What pokemon they have to offer: Drifloon and Girafarig, possibly his Buneary and Swinub since he's not doing much with either.
What pokemon they would like in exchange: I'm not sure...he really needs a water type though.
Your character's name: Patti Thompson
What pokemon they have to offer: Miltank or Miltank eggs!
What pokemon they would like in exchange: Ponyta, she needs a Ponyta =|b
✩ Hershel Layton || profpuzzle
Offers: Vulpix, Hoothoot, Duskull, Growlithe, Abra, Piplup, Pidgey
Desires: At this moment, nothing really. He is not looking icly, but I wouldn't mind having him get either a Bulbasaur or a Charmander.
Extra: The Professor is really nice so he'll most likely give eggs for free or a very low price of like..P50 or something. I was actually going to have an egg giving away post sometime next week \o\
✩ Souji Seta || usedeverything
Offers: EVERYTHING-- Skarmory, Magikarp, Smoochum, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Cleffa, Eevee, Gible, Rampardos, Buneary, Dratini, Glameow
Desires: Jesus, this guy has like... ( ... )
Gaga could provide a Charmander! (ICly I guess we could arrange that he sold Belphe the egg and then Gaga gave him the Charmander as a byproduct of breeding his eevee and the ditto decided to take advantage of his charmeleon while it was at it) XD
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