Beautiful things must come to an end... How do I even write a drop post?

Jan 11, 2012 17:56

Well, instead of coming back from hiatus, I'm sending all of my muses home and dropping from the game.

Moving to DW just doesn't interest me at all, I'd probably idle out from that place anyway, so... I guess it's better to go now and come back if I ever feel like playing in the new place.

If anyone wants any of their pokemon, feel free to take them and add some levels to them. I haven't updated some of them for ages, actually I don't think I ever updated Natsume's roster, and Winry has a Beautifly by now too. Level 100+ Arcanine is going home with Kintarou, though, yup.

friend remove onesideofmoon
friend remove waiwaiku
friend remove themechotaku
friend remove usedflamecharge

or hover over to onesideofmoon, waiwaiku, themechotaku and usedflamecharge

You've been amazing Route, I love my casts more than words could ever say. And everyone here are so amazing, I honestly loved this place and all the people here from the day of my arrival to the game. You're the most welcoming game ever and everyone's so nice, stay amazing people.

Stay awesome Route and have fun on DW~! Adios~

♥ Nea

Feel free to remove me from plurk, baranohanabira, or feel free to keep me, if you want to keep me there :)


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