(no subject)

Nov 20, 2011 21:09

Hey, guys! Kia here, with some sad news.

I'll be dropping Asuka. This... probably doesn't come as a surprise, but I'm not fond of character-squatting and I've just lost motivation for her. Thank you to all her CR, you've been amazing, but she's had a good run and it's time for her to go home and play card games.

Her Pokémon (except for her Dewgong) are up for grabs, though first dibs go to her CR. You can find their information here, with updated levels and the claim list underneath the cut.

Thanks so much for everything, you guys! Please friend remove primaduelerina or primaduelerina.

Ninetales, lv. 80 - Hayate
Minun, lv. 80 - Keiichi (I think, is this right, Metin--)
Ursaring, lv. 94
Sandslash, lv. 87
Roselia, lv. 37
Ivysaur, lv. 60
Scyther, lv. 64
Lucario, lv. 50
Hitmontop, lv. 36
Drifblim, lv. 65
Staraptor, lv. 53
Mr. Mime, lv. 76
Lapras, lv. 70
Jolteon, lv. 69 (I'd prefer this one to go to CR)
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