*kicks the door*
Gah! DAMN IT! I hate this day DX
My driver can't go with me to
arsenfreya 's house u________u. Che, I already called him last day ago and told him that I'll go to my friend's house on Saturday. And I've been bought the present earlier and write my message on the birthday's card.
Today, I didn't go to school (>_<)/. Because of today is porsemi (translare: sports festival) and I was the comitte of it XD. But, I decided to cancel my day to the buchou and went to my house earlier. Aaahhh... when I was at home, I always look at my watch. I can't be patient like this. I was so exited to meet Arsen :D and
akirasama X33.
But, I realize something.
Why my driver didn't already yet?
I gave him sms like: "Where are you?"
He replay it like this: "I was still in Cirebon, Dees. I'll be back for hours later"
Great, Dees. Now you'll waiting for your driver in here.
I hate being patient. But, oh well. I do it.
1 hour later, 2 hours later...
Honestly, I stressed in that moment and quickly grab my phone and give him sms.
me: Where are you right now?
I waiting, waiting, waiting, and finally my message tone "Chain (Chain)" is ringing XDDD.
And you know the sms is like what?
my driver: I was still in Cirebon and I'll be back tomorrow morning.
*throw my phone to the ground until the batteray is dead*
Aaahhh... Dees, calm down. You can send her your present *pat my self*. I started to push my self to the bed and closing my eyes. Sleep. My eyes is hard to open. I don't care that my older brother shouted at me when I was sleep on his beloved bed XD. So he sleep next to me (sister compex?! *smacked X3*)
After I fall asleep, I woke up at 12:30 am XD and I found that
kazuhikochiharu is still awake! Great, Chiharu! All of my frustation is totaly clear by my self! Because we talked about tenimyu all the time (*________________*) About tenimyu, I'm still in process to created tenimyu family fic with
kazuhikochiharu :DDDD. I'll be the older sister and she's my younger sister ;D (in the reality, our birth-year is same LOL)
You can see the family tree in
here. If you want to see our beloved parents, you can view in
here :DD
And... DA-DA-DA-DA-DADANG!! *dan's version*
As my promise, I'll post Yukimura's sketch (*_______________*)
Title: Birthday's give for Yagami Renn(?) <---bad name (>_<)/
Created by: me;
rourietosamaFandom: Tenipuri
Character(s): Yukimura Seiichi
Rating: Work-safe
Media arts: Pencil, sketch book, photoshop.
MAMAH YUKIMURAAAA---!!! *hugs him hard*
Ehem... I made this sketch when I was in the frustation of exam XD.
You can read my journal about it in
I'm so lazy to write about it again XDDD
Tomorrow, I can rest my self in one day.
Live is great *turn off the lamp and sleep*
kazuhikochiharu, kayaknya tuh fic musti kita buat lebih gil lagi XD.
Apa may berubah jadi "Keluarga Ningrat Kanesaki" LOL *dirajam pake meriam tni*