7. Все звери равны.

Sep 18, 2016 19:35

Хасидский патруль в Вильямсбурге изувечил ЧЁРНОГО(!) ГЕЯ(!!), который шел через их район. Парень потерял глаз в результате избиения, серьезное увечье. Обычно в гтаких случаях независимые СМИ поднимают жуткий шум, но в данном случае никто не раздувал скандал, а городские власти тихо заволокитили дело.

Есть и свидетели, и камеры наблюдения, но нет виноватых! Вернее есть, но им дали всего лишь условный срок.
ВОПРОС: Кто может быть более равен чем чернокожие и геи?

ОТВЕТ:  Хасиды. Им сходит с рук даже избиение черного гея.
The far-too-cozy relationship between the NYPD, city officials, and Jewish safety patrols in Brooklyn led to the beating of a gay, black man in Williamsburg, an explosive new lawsuit to be filed in federal court Monday alleges.
Taj Patterson of Fort Greene, was walking down Flushing Ave. in Williamsburg in December 2013 when he was set upon by a gang of men linked to the Shomrim, a volunteer Orthodox Jewish security patrol. He was left battered, and lost eyesight in one eye.
In aftermath, as the Daily News first reported, cops with the 90th Precinct prematurely closed the case despite having four witnesses to the assault - delaying the investigation for 48 crucial hours.
In the lawsuit, obtained by the Daily News, lawyers for Patterson claim that the city and the NYPD created an atmosphere where the security patrols not only got official recognition and money, but could act with impunity.

Two men who attacked a fashion student in south Williamsburg in December 2013, were sentenced to three years of probation and 150 hours of community service on Tuesday.
Pinchas Braver, 22, and Abraham Winkler, 42, were among five men arrested in 2014 for the 2013 attack on Taj Patterson, 25. Braver and Winkler, along with Aharon Hollender, 31, Mayer Herskovic, 24 and and Joseph Fried, 28, attacked Patterson early in the morning on December 1st as he walked home from a party on Flushing Avenue near Spencer Street.
Patterson, who is gay, said the men yelled homophobic slurs at him as they beat him. “I was alone. I was an easy target. I’m black. I’m gay, a whole slew of reasons,” Patterson said.
Patterson was taken to Woodhull Hospital, where he was treated for bruises, blood clotting, a torn retina and a broken eye socket. He remains blind in his left eye.
ОтсюдаОригинал взят у kilativ в Кто более специален - геи или хасиды?

Честный репостёр, Дружба народов, знание - сила, хуже фашиста

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