I am starting to truly dislike weekends.
I don't mind working on them too much except that a lot of the things I would like to do occur on them (a bit more about this later). What I don't like is that my entire family is home during them and disrupt my "get ready for work" routine. I like to get up, take a shower, sit at the computer while I eat, and then come upstairs and use the bathroom again to brush my teeth etc.
Well, today, I kept getting woken up by my mom, dad and brother arguing in the family room (which is right below my bedroom) and the chainsaw as they started in on the downed tree. When I complained all I got was yelled at that I should have been up and helping or whatever other crap they usually toss at me when I sleep during the day. I honestly stopped listening to them when they start in on me. I was at least lucky that nobody else jumped int he shower right as I wanted to or even took a shower within an hour of when I did so did have hot water. I didn't get to sit at the computer to eat because my dad sat down just before I did to play freecell (I don't use my laptop because there isn't anywhere to set it). So, I had to sit in the family room where my mom nagged at me some more (I don't like to sit at the dining room table alone). Then right before I went to brush my teeth my brother jumps in the bathroom to take a shower. I had to yell at him through the door to give me my toothbrush.
Leaving the house while everyone is here is always an ordeal as well. Most of the time it means herding everyone out to the van because my parents want to go somewhere after dropping me off. Today was just a "who's gonna' take me" and a couple "come on we have to go now!" and some car jockeying. It didn't help that it was raining or that my mom did something to her back a few days ago and keeps making sure that everyone knows about it. I'm already tired by the time I get to work. Then on the ride home I got more of the "all you do is work and sleep" and "when I worked I did all this other stuff too" (and she NEVER nags at my brother when he stays out till 5AM doing who knows what, but complains when I'm here at home and goes to bed at that time). Which is the same speech I've gotten innumerable times before. I can't help that I'm not really up to anything other than just working and sleeping. That I am not some kind of super person that can work and be a maid too. I don't know why nobody in this house can realize that I am not the person who makes the messes and therefore shouldn't be the one complained to about them.
For the past couple of years I've kind of wanted to expand my convention going to sci-fi and fantasy cons. Mostly out of curiosity to see how they can be compared to anime cons in terms of fun to be had and to see if I could pick up any writing pointers. I was looking at Balticon, but found it is not only the weekend of Animazement but registration is also more expensive than any anime con I've ever been to. $59 bucks at the door is just out of my price range. It's a shame too because Naomi Novik is going to be there.
I really want to go to the DC Sakura Matsuri this year. I've missed out on it for the past two years I've known about it and wanted to go, but I can't convince my family to go because they suck (and it's weird since my dad love taking day trips) and so I can't get there. I want to go this year. I really do. But I need a ride and a definite plan so I can request the day off because I almost never have a weekend day off.
I can't get Kailee to come to bed. She must have slept all day to keep away from everyone being home and now she is nuts and not wanting to sleep.
I'm downloading the Gokusen manga and I don't really know why. The story is cute, but I don't know if I'll ever actually read it.