May 19, 2004 19:02
Dear Friend,
It hasn't been the best day, but i guess its not kinda mad and upset, but yeah, nothing new....hopefully things will get better.....i lost a friend today, and i hope i made the right decision....i just couldn't go on seeing her with other guys, and go all crazy over, she was also one of the ones telling me to move on.....and now i going to make the best of things....and who knows, maybe one day we will get back together, and pick up where we left off....its not probable, but possible.......She will be happier to, cause now i wont bring her down anymore, and i wont be there to complain about her seeing other guys, flirting or doing whatever.....anyways....I got in trouble again today.....yesterday in math class, sarah and i left for "15 mins".....well thats what the sub wrote down on a little piece of sticky paper.....Mr. Thompson was pissed, he was like "what the hell, you shouldn't be leaving class, you better not do that again".....and then he was making fun of me in class, and that was actually kind of fun, i haven't had a teacher do that in a while, so it was cool....PIT is so gay right now.....all we do is this one stupid warm up, and its all about scales, and 1-3-5-.....its really hard going up, but coming down is easier.....the other thing about being in pit, is usually, you have time to look around, and i dont really like that anymore, cause id be seeing to much stuff that i would rather not see.......if you know what i mean.....We did have fun today with the tamberines.....kyle was dancing like he was in ballet.....and joe, well, i cant really describe how he was dancing, it was well,, i cant explain it.....but yeah....the day hasn't ended, so maybe i can pack some more stuff into kind of sucks not being in swimming anymore, i miss it, i haven't been in the pool for about a month.....that reminds me of something, a whole month, why did we have to go through that..............Everything you never wanted............sounds like an interesting slowly writing it....ill post it on here as soon as i get it done and get the chance....well, ill write to you again later tonight, or add to this....i still have plenty of homework that i dont feel like doing.....
Love always
The Chad