May 13, 2004 20:25
Dear Friend,
Im writing to you a second time today cause now im in a completely different mood....and still totally lost....I went golfing after school....didn't do any homework, not sure if i plan on doing any....i finally called adorable, and now shes grounded and in trouble.....The somewhat good news is that she isn't going to the movies with that guy anymore....but that wont stop her from going later....i felt like she was yelling at me when she said "i hope your happy"....that made me feel really bad, im caught in the middle....i want her for myself, but i dont want her to hate being with me and stuff....and now ill never know if she really likes me and stuff....cause yeah, i dont just not feeling good about this even though shes not going with him, i still feel really bad....maybe they can go next weekend or sure they will find time, considering i wont be in the loop to much longer....but id like to stay as long as i can, even if she doesn't change, i love her the way she is, and i love every thing about her, she is so awesome....she means everything to me.....but aside from my day and getting yelled at, and my issues with her....I got a 52 on the back 9....i didn't get to play the front 9 otherwise i would have had to enter a skins game....and i suck way to much to even try to keep up with those guys....anyways, i just thought i would write to you again, and update you from earlier today when i was feeling horrible....Oh, another thing, i don't have to go to my dads tonight, so thats kinda cool......i can sit hear and talk all i want, but it just makes me think more of how insignificant i such a loser, i hate myself, im spoiled, and im an ass.....on the other hand, i am somewhat changing someones life, well influencing them....i love her, i spoiil her, and im usually nice...........i dont know i feel so torn, and i dont like im just going on and on and on....and she doesn't like it when i do that, so ill let you go.....but ill keep in touch.....ill update you on everything tomorrow....sorry that this letter was cut a little short compared to my normal long stuff....but yeah, you got 2 today instead of just one....well, night
Love always....