No more teachers dirty looks

May 28, 2004 00:05

Today was a good day because it is my last homework day of high school. This marks a lot for me. I have put so much effort into my school work. And even if it did nothing, it still shows I have a lot of work ethic and that I know how to try hard. I can't believe I'm saying that. I must be in the best mood ever.
Maybe it's the horse riding. The instructor said I can jump again as soon as I want to. That's now. Now now now.
I got a mother of a cut trying to open a coke bottle for my brother in the car. It hurts like death, but Aodhan gave me a dinosaur bandaid.
I love Aodhan in the nights, when he already has a sleepy face and he says will you just lay with me for one minute, and puts up his one tiny finger next to his cheek. I always say yes. It's way better than TV. It's weird though when sometimes like an hour passes and we've just been chatting, having such a good conversation. What what what will it be like without him?
Post its are my best friend. I'm going shopping tomorrow in the ugly rain. And it's Folklife, which means drum circle dancing and lots of smoky reunions with people I have loved all throughout my life.
Today things looked up.
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