Dec 30, 2004 14:26
I posted this earlier, but it was formatted all weirdly, so I decided to delete. But then Taylor solved a bunch, and he wants me to re-do the post. So here it is. See how many more you guys can solve! I'm filling in all Taylor's answers, so follow his model. I'm doing the whole thing by hand so you'd better appreciate it. A genius is able to answer 23. Taylor got 18 I think, which is reallly good. Only two mensa members completed the whole thing correctly. Good luck.
0. 24 H in a D : 24 Hours of the Day
1. 26 L of the A : 26 Letters of the Alphabet.
2. 7 D of the W : 7 Days of the Week.
3. 7 W of the W : 7 Wonders of the World
4. 12 S of the Z : 12 Signs of the Zodiac
5. 66 B of the B : 66 Books of the Bible
6. 52 C in a P (WJ's) : 52 Cards in a Pack (without Jokers)
7. 13 S in the USF : 13 Stripes in the United States Flag
8. 18 H on a GC : 18 Holes on a Golf Course
9. 39 B of the O T : 39 Books of the Old Testament
10. 5 T on a F : 5 Toes on a Foot
11. 90 D in a R A : 90 Degrees in a Right Angle
12. 3 B M (S H T R) : 3 Blind Mice (See How They Run)
13. 32 is the in D F at which W F : 32 is the Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes
14. 15 P in a R T : 15 Players in a Rugby Team
15. 3 W on a T : 3 Wheels on a Tricycle
16. 100 C in a D : 100 Cents in a Dollar
17. 11 P in a F (S) T : 11 Players in a Football (Soccer) Team.
18. 12 M in a Y : 12 Months in a Year.
19. 13=UFS : Unlucky for Sum
20. 8 T on a O : 8 Tentacles on a Octopus
21. 29 D in F in a L Y : 29 Days in February in a Leap Year
22. 27 B in the N T : 27 Books in the New Testament
23. 365 D in a Y : 365 Days in a Year
24. 13 L in a B D : 13 Loaves in a Baker's Dozen
25. 52 W in a Y : 52 Weeks in a Year
26. 9 L of a C : 9 Lives of a Cat
27. 60 M in a H : 60 Minutes in an Hour
28. 23 P of C in the H B : 23 Pairs of Chromosomes in the Human Body
29. 64 S on a C B : 64 Squares on a Chess Board
30. 9 P in S A :
31. 6 B to an O in C : 6 Balls to an Over in Cricket.
32. 1000 Y in a M : 1000 Years in a Millenium
33. 15 M on a D M C : 15 Men on a Dead Mans Chest
I did all of those by hand completely. So please try and solve on or two. #'s 21, 28, 30, 31, and 33 are reallllly hard though. So first try the others.
UPDATE (12/30 - 3:54) - People are doing a lot better than I thought they would. There are only 6 left. 30 and 31 are reeallllly hard, especially 31, so heres a small hint, this quiz was made in Britain not in the United States, this also applies to #14
UPDATE (12/30 - 6:13) - There are now only three left. Here's a hint for #14; one of the riddles Taylor solved is very similiar to this. Look back to his answers (on his lj: death_2_pikachu).
UPDATE (12/31 - 5:09) - Haha, no more anonymous comments, I disabled them. This last one is still up in the air, but the anonymous person has answered it so many times you probably all know it by now. If you never saw it you can keep guessing.