(no subject)

Dec 15, 2005 17:26

i just finished having a curfew debate with my mom. i might possibly get to come home at 1:30. whoop di fricken doo. it's just unreasonable to even have a curfew at this point and her reasoning is retarded
1. my other friends do not lie atop a big scary mountain [i.e. my non-suburbanity fucked me over]
2. i can come home later if alex is with me [sexism!! blatant sexism! from my own mother! asked if this would also pertain to noah she said yes. so i guess maybe it's not just a boy thing, it's a she trusts alex thing...]
3. she trusts me she just doesn't trust other people [after i told her i've never gotten a ticket, never gotten into an accident, am an excellent driver and am not stupid enough to pull off the road to help some helpless person with a flat tire at 2 in the morning]

tomorrow alex is performing with luke and pedro [ew] and i get to go be a groupie. and then i get a surprise. ima wear my new boots. they're fucking sexy. i want to wear them everywhere
i can't wait to see people

and now i'll amuse myself and anyone else who's bored and feels like a survey about me is just fascinating!

Have you ever...

1. Fallen for your neighbor?: no. one of my neighbors is 80 years old with parkinson's, and one is a 60 year old flaming homosexual who my parents have been fighting lawsuits with during my whole childhood
2. Made out with just a friend?: no. unless we count that prom night two years ago...
3. Been rejected?: well i never really made a move on anyone
4. Been in love?: yes
5. Used someone?: ya
6. Been used?: probably
7. Been Kissed?: yes
8. Done something you regret?: tons of stuff
9. Cried just to get out of trouble?: yes. in 8th grade to my teacher mr. sazaki who accused me of cheating, which i did
Who was the last person...

10. You talked to?: my mom
11. You hugged?: alex
12. you imed?: nookling
13. You Missed?: everyone!
15. You yelled at?: mom
16. You laughed with?: alex.
17. Who broke your heart?: eh. let's not go there
18. Who told you they loved you?: alex
19. You kissed?: a;ex

Have you / Do you / Are you...

20. Have a Birthmark? ya on my shin. it's light but ugly
21. Have any piercing?: ears technically
22. Have a 6 pack?: every now and then when i get into a crunches routine
23. Own your own house?: no
24. Own a nice car?: ya. i love it
25. Speak any languages?: english and the french capacity of a 5 year old
26. Cook your own Dinner?: every now and then
27. Color your hair?: i haven't for a few months
28. Have green eyes?: YES!
29. Stolen anything?: ya. i shoplifted for the first time at the age of 3. it was one of those chocolate truffles and i snuck it into my mom's purse
30. Smoked?: yes
31. Taken drugs?: yes
32. Obsessive?: ya, about random things
33. ADD?: occasionally-when i want to make excuses for why i'm not paying attention
34. Have a crush on someone?: yes. mr. cannon
35. Panic?: every now and then
36. Anxiety?: yes
37. Depressed? every now and then
38. Control Freak?: no
39. Obsessed with hate?: no.unless it's towards the ball of asian or pedro
40. Have a tattoo?: no- wish


41. if you could go anywhere where would it be: greece [i just watched the sisterhood of the traveling pants and it convinced me]
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body?: i used to be extremely double jointed but not so much anymore. i'm very flexible though
43. What feature do you find most attractive on guys?: straight hair. or good coloring. but most especially 1. the colar bone 2. right above their...
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: not if she's hilary clinton
45. Would you marry for money?: no
46. Have you had braces?: yes
48. Do you sing in the shower?: sometimes
50. Could you live without a computer?: no. i love photoshop, i love Word and i love the internet
51. Do you use AOL, MSN, Yahoo?:aim and msn
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be?: either right now or the future, so no
54. Do you wear white socks?: yup
55. Do you wear shoes?: i love shoes
56. What is your favorite fruit?: pineapple
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: wheat
58. What is your favorite place to visit?: i'm not really sure
59. Fav DVD?: mean girls
60. Do you kiss on the first date?: ya
61. Are you photogenic?: i really don't think so. i think i look better in person
62. Do you dream in color or black and white?: color
63. What are you wearing right now?: green sweatpants, a green tank top and a black newsboy hat
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit?: ya. i get fruit cravings
65. Do you have dimples?: 1!!
66. Do you remember being born?: no thank god. it must have been disgusting
67. Why do you take surveys?: i really like surveys. they make me feel important. kidding
68. Do you drink alcohol?: yes
70. What is the best accent?: irish or british
72. Do you like sunsets?: yup yup
73. Do you want to live to be 100?: not unless the quality of life is really good [agreed]
74. If not, why?: once i start crapping my pants i'm out of here
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: no
76. Are you loyal?: yes
77. Are you tolerant of other people?: not at all
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: i think 5 or 6
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: 10 or 15
84. Do you write poetry?: no
85. Snore?: nope
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: side
87. Do you like Cats/Dogs?: i love them
88. Do you lick stamps?: they're sticky now so i don't have to
89. Do you use an electric can opener?: nope
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: no
91. Like your name?: ya
92. Were you named after anyone?: my parents dog
93. Do you wish on stars?: for nostalgia reasons only
94. Which finger is your favorite?: i really don't like any of my fingers. i think i have ugly hands. so i guess my thumb. it lets me do a ot
95. When did you last cry?: saturday
98. Favorite num.?: 13
99. Any bad habits?: drinking out of the bottle, not putting the top on properly, tweezing everything
100. How many kids do you want?: if any then they'll be adopted
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