Feb 07, 2005 16:05
Alright, well yesterday after dance I went to Jack in the box with some friends before I was supposed to be home. I got myself a large soda (Dr. Pepper) and I drove home. As I was getting out of the car, me, in my infinite wisdom, tried to close the door to my car with one hand (purse, shoes, keys, soda in the other) and as I'm doing so I simultaneously spill soda all over my new shirt, jeans, shoes, and purse!!! Crap, crap, crap! That's just my luck.
I got into the house at like 8:15, "Don't touch me. YOur daughters a genius, I just spilled soda all over myself." So I got into the bathroom put my shirt in the sink with water to get the stain out, then took a shower. (my mom brought me my bathrobe and set it outside the door, sweet.) Then I got dried off (semi) and brought all the clothes I had been wearing out to the washer to wash them. I got in trouble for drinking and driving (Literally drinking, not drinking alcohol) and thats it. (For now.)
I am very stupid though. When I got out of my car before this happened, I closed my car's phone charger in the door and it shattered/broke. Phabulous! (That's like $12.00 or something) I haven't told them about that yet.
I'm also stupid because I got into my car this morning to go to school, turn the key, and the engine doesn't even turn over! Grr! The battery wasn't dead, everything else (Windshield wipers, lights, clock, radio) worked, but the engine wouldn't turn over. My dad came out to look at my car ***Terror*** and as it turned out, I hadn't put it in park before I turned it off. I was so stressed I completely forgot about it! Actually that was kind of funny. But moronic. Close calls, huh? I was really worried he would take my car for a minute. ALl he did was get in, turn the key, and look down. Then he put it in park, cursed at me, and went inside. Yay! I'm sure it'll be worse later, but as for now, things are good. OR better. I haven't decided which.
What all is there to say. I'm posting here for now because I'm at school and the site is Surf controlled so I can't get to it, so I'll just move it when I get home. There are more problems than these, which I will post later. Unfortunately a lot of people have my lj address:
Dustin, Jason, Kurt, Trish, Talitha, Jeanne, Mary, Billy. Some stuff I don't want them to read, as if they would. Because if Kurt has it, his mom surely does. That would be a pickle. I over think things too much. Oh well. I'll write more later. I love you all...
Give a little bit, give a little bit of my love to you.
There's so much that we can share so give a hand, show that you care... Cha cha cha.
Hit your knees, pay your fees, JACK IS BACK!