Jun 05, 2009 18:57
I wrote this on a sewing blog about the skirt I've been working on for oh, I don't know, FOREVER. If any of you can wrap your head around it I would really appreciate it.
"Hello, I happen to be a newbie sewer. I took a sewing class but was too slow and unable to finish this pattern.
I am making the 8 panel skirt, no gores or flounces. My problem is the waistband. I can not seem to figure out if I am just putting elastic into the *back* waistband or if I am wrapping the elastic around the whole skirt and sewing the material over the front elastic.
This is what the pattern says:
-- With a safety pin pull elastic through waistband and stitch though all layers to secure on one end of waistband.
-- With right sides together place skirt back to skirt front and stitch up side seam with the elastic secured, leaving front waistband folded up. Repeat this step with the other side seam leaving the top 9" of skirt open. Try skirt on and pull elastic to a comfortable fit. Pin and finish stitching side seam remembering to leave front waistband folded up.
I know this is a total newbie question and I *should* be able to understand simple instructions but I am completely stuck. Any help would be very appreciated."
I'd love to actually finish these skirts. Then I can put up pictures of them and everything.
sewing help