Jun 22, 2009 09:35
Well apparently Fox, who went to visit Kai in Englad, and Kai got the Le Palais bug. Imagine. Visiting a friend in RL who you met on the board and you don't get inspired. (Okay that happened with TR and me but thats different because TR didn't quit because she was uninspired but because Mason happened)
So Fox is working on the FAQ. Somehow I'm sure we're going to leave important stuff out. Kai's working on a banner. And I'm supposed to be finishing up the board. Except I can't find my info to log onto the ftp server. So... Bah.
I did however, find in their documentation how to convert from PHPBB 2 to 3 as well as from another program, I am HOPING that I will be able to use this documentation (after I get my FTP stuff from my IT guy) and get all the posts on the same board. If not I've got to find some sort of Announcement Mod that will allow me to put the Archive link for the old board FRONT AND CENTER and easy to find.
Had a good weekend, met Jace's new/old girlfriend. She seems much nicer than I actually expected. Didn't creep me out, give me the willies or make me uncomfortable. All good things. I think I've gotten suspicious in my old age because I'm still not quite willing to take that at face value. So I'm leaning her way but I'm still on the fence about this whole thing.
My birthday is this week. I should be excited I suppose, but really I'm not. Not sure why. Probably no money syndrome. I keep hoping that with time it will get better. I'm starting to think there is no such thing. I need to look at how we're spending again. Make sure we aren't frittering. I'm sure I need to keep a tighter reign on my food budget, but its hard not to buy the things we want along with the things we need. And while the week before I feel we got a bit out of hand, maybe, this week I felt I kept the crap to a moderate level. Still spent more than I wanted. 150.00 worth of groceries should be more bags damn it! AND I didn't get everything, but that had more to do with a disturbing call from K-baby than my ability to shop.
Orryn had his first father's day. I get the feeling that it wasn't all he wanted. I'm believing him that it was because of things beyond my control and he just wasn't disappointed in the day because of what he did or didn't do for him.
Still writing with J9, but not having much luck convincing myself to write on anything else. Gotta work on that. Motivation. Must find motivation...
le palais,