You make me feel everything...and sometimes I wish I felt nothing

Aug 09, 2008 14:04

Today another one of my closest friends is getting married. Most people keep saying.."isn't this scary." But honestly these were the two people in my life I knew would get married first. They had it in their personalities the first days I knew them. Does this make me wish I was like them? No, I'm happy residing in my own life and being happy for my friends.
Now,however, that doesn't mean one day I look forward to this joyous moment myself. But the time will come when it's meant to. It is not my decision to choose when that will happen.
I love them both deeply and I can't wait to see where their lives lead them.
Weddings are happy things and should be celebrated, not used to reflect on your own life. Because the wedding reflects their life...not your own.

My mom told me this weekend I should seriously thinking about my calling...a possible calling into the priesthood. I scoffed at first...and then I thought she was right. Maybe I have been running away from the idea. Church does make me the happiest. Don't worry friends that doesn't mean I'm running off to seminary, but I won't lock the idea away like I have been.
I have never been able to feel my calling (into anything). How do you find your calling?
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