(no subject)

Sep 27, 2008 00:46

D: Detection of dark matter has deluded since 1933

A: Anti-matter particle surges in space are attributed to neutralinos that are supposed to constitute the dark matter

R: Radiation signatures of neutralinos being sought after through space probes and colliders

K: Key to the origin and its evolution after the Big Bang is being held in detection and study of dark matter

M: Matter that is visible is only 14 per cent of the total matter, while rest is the dark matter in the universe

A: Astronomers had first propounded that that 84 per cent of the universe consists of dark

T: Theory of dark matter is strengthened by the observation that light from distant stars follow the curved paths

T: Transparent nature of dark matter does not obstruct the view of material objects

E: European space probe Pamela is reported to have detected dark matter

R: Research has intensified through high energy colliders to detect and study the dark matter experimentally and in controlled laboratory conditions.
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