(no subject)

Jul 21, 2005 15:50

so. I've been thinking A LOT lately about the next couple years. I came to the conclusion that I'm going to a four year university and I'm not living at home. Why? Because I think I'd really regret not taking the opportunity to experience living on my own. I know money is insanely unavailable but college loans will get the job done and I'm willing to pay for them later. Whew. it's relieving to know what you want to do. I don't even know what I wanna study, but I guess I took the first step to becoming more certain.

I'm buying a cat this year. Can't fuckin wait. I'm pathetic when it comes to pets, I start making those ridiculous mushy sounds.

Wow this post is random. I took my senior portraits this morning. It wasn't so bad.. I was actually nervous. Then I went to the home to see my grandma. she seemed pretty lively compared to the last times I've seen her. I also went out to lunch with my mom. It was so cute. She planned out this whole day for us and seemed really happy the whole time. That makes me happy.

I'm done now.

p.s.- 1 year, 4 months. yikes.

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