(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 11:34

I haven't updated in a while and i guess it's time for one!

Christmas is a few weeks away? How did that happen?
Last time i checked, it was august and i was struggling to get out of bed for the first day of school.
It's sad but my life is so routine that days blend together constantly.
I think i'm the only person who doesn't notice that it's friday and that i have anything to be happy about. Work and school suck the life out of all that is fun.
But these are things i can't complain about because this is the way i've chosen to live my life. Maybe subconciously i want to be busy and never have any free time.
yeah right.
One thing i CAN look forward to is christmas break. not even so much christmas, because it seems as if the excitement associated with a holiday seems to dwindle with age. But i DO love giving presents. that's always fun. But sleeping and donig what i want to and hanging out with friends sounds really, really great right about now.

I took 5 or 6 exams this week. Almost all of my classes are year long so i could only exempt three, but i just took my IB math exam and that was really depressing. Oh well, i can deny my crappy grade for a few weeks at least!

The newspaper came out today and it's pretty cool to have random people that you don't know approach you and tell you that they really liked what you wrote and that they laughed at what you said. it's a pretty cool feeling. I guess that's what makes me want to write for a profession. The more experience i get as editor the more it makes me wonder if its what i REALLY wanat to do..but i think that once i eliminate school and my other job, i'll like it.

Ok this is rambling to the extreme.
Anyway, here are a few things i saw that i liked.

andy warhol inspired tote. kinda cool.

i don't need anymore clothes but hey

ok the bell is about to ring. i'll ramble more later..

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