More Graffiti

Apr 22, 2008 16:43

If you were wandering behind a supermarket called Dia not far from my house, you would see this carefully sprayed on the wall;

What we've got here is basically "if you vote, you legitimise their terrorism of you" or something along those lines.

That's fine, I can see where that one's going; even if you don't like the system, the willing act of participation validades it and therefore the results of it.   Read that as "if you don't like pollies, bugger'm"  All nice and socio-anarchistic.

What I don't get is this one;

La votacion es un insulto a la libertad.

The vote is an insult to freedom.

Voting is voluntary here, not like in Australia from whence I hail.  Is it a penetrating insight saying that the need to vote imposes restrictions on a free citizen?   Does it say that participation in a political system, be it voluntary or otherwise, forces people to choose (or tolerate) people who, because of the few choices that (some would say necessarily) exist in an elective system of government and is therefore no true freedom?

Did the person who decided to pain the brown and green thing over the top of it do so because he thought it was a bollocks sentiment or that he didn't give a rat's arse either way?

I'd like to think the bollocks one.  Suits my internal narrative.


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