Feb 19, 2008 21:34
See dat guy? the HUGE dude with the artillery cannons? Dat's my hero, Ron Colman. A fitting icon for gym flavored posts.
No company yesterday but did good cardio and back/tri split. hit it decent. Today a light cardio and hit the legs and shoulders good. ( no romanian deadlifts this time. form is still shakey, but the froggies made Linz laugh and she DID do them! ) Due for chest/bi tomorrow and then start over. Abs slllllowly being added in, Pilates class for Saturdays now ( another victin, i mean, gym partner) Martial arts exercise in early mornings if I am awake and have time to shower quick. Eating is clean, but not squeaky. Getting to squeaky though!
HUGE difference this week. Trying to remember I'm training for a walk, not for fitness competitions. I cant help it! Love the aches and getting stronger. Knee is making itself known now. Knew it was coming. Brace is in the gym bag and being used. Its coming together now. getting the gym legs back. This might get scary! ( NAH! Eating it up, I LOVE it!)