1. What time did you get up this morning? 11:30
2. Diamonds or Pearls? diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? That Star Wars movie, the night it came out...went with Matt, James and a bunch of other tv guys...I kept falling asleep.
4. What are your favorite TV shows? Exreme Home Makeover and South park
5. What did you have for breakfast? A strawberry cereal bar
6. What is your middle name? Lyn
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian or Mexican...can't decide
8. What foods do you dislike? Meat
9. Your favorite Potato chip? Baked Lays -- Cheddar and Sour Cream
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? A mix cd I made in December with a lot of Death Cab on it
11. What kind of car do you drive? Mazda Protege, 2003
12. Favorite sandwich? grilled cheese, but only from a diner
13. What characteristics do you despise? arrogance
14. What are your favorite clothes? pyjamas
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Ireland
16. What color is your bathroom? one is decorated funky with a lot of primary colors, the other is more floral/pastels
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Esprit
18. Where would you want to retire to? Europe
19. Favorite time of day? whenever I'm not at work
20. Where were you born? Newark, NY
21. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball on tv, hockey in person
22. Who do you least expect to send this back? I'm just posting this to live journal...
23. Person you expect to send it back first? urm...see above
24. Coke or Pepsi? neither
25. Are you a morning person or night owl? total night owl...I hate going to bed before 3:00
26 . Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? I have to pee
27. What did you want to be when you were little? who knows
28. What is your best childhood memory? camping with my very extended family and hanging out with my cousins and camp friends
29 . What are the different jobs you have had in your life? grocery store cashier, receptionist, traffic manager, daycare worker, nanny
30. Nicknames: Bonkers, Feffer, Jenni, Jeffers
31.Piercings? ears and belly button...no more tongue
32.Eye Color? blue, but they change from different shades of blue to gray to teal and almost green
33. Ever been to Africa? No
34. Ever been toilet papering? Yes
35. Been in a car accident? Plenty of them.
36. Favorite day of the week? Sunday
37. Favorite restaurant? PF Chang
38. Favorite flower? Wildflowers
39. Favorite ice cream? Cherry Garcia or cookies and cream, but I'm lactose intolerant so screw you
40. Favorite fast food restaurant? Eww...though I do like Wendy's french fries quite a bit...only with at least 3 dipping suaces though...
41. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None. I was perfect.
42. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? My mom
43. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Some fancy, preppy place I haven't been to yet
44. Bedtime 2-3:00
45. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? grrr
46. Last person you went to dinner with? Matt
47. What are you listening to right now? Matt typing, the scanner
48. What is your favorite color? I prefer color combos really...the decorator/artist in me...I really like a nice pastel purple and green, probably because that's what my living room is...
49. How many tattoos do you have? none