Jul 15, 2009 09:33
You know what's almost better than chocolate? Butterscotch.
You know what's almost better than butterscotch? Freshly baked oatmeal butterscotch bars.
Butterscotch bars, butterscotch bars, oh I love you so.
Why am I baking butterscotch bars in the morning?
a) I'm desperately trying to avoid facing my thesis.
b) I'm desperately trying to contain my glee at the imminence of the HBP movie.
c) I'm desperately trying to deal with full hormonal emotional roller coaster (*high fives* *moonwalks*OMGYOUGUYZ *bawls*).
d) I'm desperately trying to face the mountain of stuff I need to finish for the library,
e) I've been brainwashed by the butterscotch fairy?
I don't know, dears. It's butterscotch we're talking about. I wish I could send you all a big box of these or even send you a whiff of this happiness-inducing smell that will most certainly give me a headache in less than an hour. There is only one thing that makes me so goofy and it's petting goats - which is, I must acknowledge it, a very different activity.
PS. It amuses me to no end that the spellcheck feature on LJ suggests ARMAGNAC'S as the correct form of OMGYOUGUYZ. Well. Maybe booze *is* the answer.
major avoidance behavior,
butterscotch is the new chocolate