Mar 05, 2008 13:08

So basically I'm the lazyest college kid I know... >_< I took the day off to catch up on homework! Not just sit on my fat arse... but what did I do? Sat. Oh and ate. And sat. And thought. Cleaned the kitchen. Finished a little math... and then sat.

Excuse me when I flunk out of college... and I can't use the excuse "I'm a second semester senior, I can be as lazy as I want!!!111!!" Fine, I am a triple S but technically not enough of one to be a lazy arseface.

So kiss medical school good bye! They don't want fat lazy faces! GOOD BYE MEDICAL SCHOOL! I'll see you in my next life, when I'm not a lazy person.

I think my cats have even accomplished more than me...

For serious.
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