[Looking for Makers! 001]

May 17, 2007 17:05

rougelipstick is looking for about 2 new makers!

- The graphics you post have to be exclusive to rougelipstick.
- You will have to post at least twice a month, or more if you have the time.
- Post's don't have to be a certain length.
- When you post, make sure you make it friends only!
- When you post, keep 6 icons above the cut, and for the cut text, put 'fabulous on a stick'.
- Always tag your entries
- When you post, the title of the post should be [# of the post]
- And please advertize the community on your journal...I'd be really happy. :]

Please Post:
- Name
- Age
- How long you've been making graphics
- Email-Address
- Other places that you post your grahics
- 10 of your best Icons and if you make banners, that'd be great if you could post about 3 of 'em.

All comments are screened, dahlings!
I may, or may not pick anyone.

mod post, looking for makers

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