May 28, 2012 23:24
Livejournal still exists!
Things I have felt recently. Oh my. Well, it seems that whenever I admit feelings of a new relationship in this journal, it backfires. But, I am at the point where I want to babble and my only superficial outlet is facebook and nobody there would like to be hearing of this babble. Anyway, long story. He has a child of almost 5 years who I am growing to love like I didn't know I was capable. He has 50% placement of her. When she is around, everything is fairytale. She loves My Little Pony and Hello Kitty just as I did as a child and I feel so young around her. When she is gone, passion abounds between me and my love and it is too good to be true.
I am waiting for the fall. It seems like a dream. He compliments me in a way that is not contrived. He loves my ass, he loves many of my features and he even loves the feature i despise in myself, my teeth. He says that my smile is beautiful and strangely, for once, i believe it. We have been together for many months; I would rather not name the duration for superstitious reasons. To you, you may think it cheap, but I love how he worships my ass. It brings me joy.
For anyone that cares about me as a person, I am making a life for myself. I will be an RN in December and I couldn't be more proud of myself and though I am eager to take credit, I am also thankful for help from other people who have led me unto this path, the strength my man has given me in the last year. He has fueled the fire of my ambition and let me know that I will not fail because I have him in my corner.