Jun 30, 2004 16:02
I just figured out that with vacation and the 4th of July holiday and my four day work weeks, I'm only working 12 days next month! That makes me happy. I remember when I was only working 12 hours a week in China. That made me really happy. I need to quit this job. I'm in a total rut. I just sit here for ten hours, dealing with distraught organ donor families and (mostly) happy organ recipients and reading blogs from China. This is not healthy.
We had a great party last weekend. It was the first party in our new home even though we're not even close to having it renovated yet. We projected 16 mm movies onto the wall of our house and everyone sat around in the yard on blankets and pillows. We showed: an old Buster Keaton movie, the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919 brilliant silent film), Gulliver's Travels (the original animation from 1939), Repulsion (1965 Roman Polanski with Catherine Deneuve) and my favorite - Metropolis (1926 Fritz Lang!). Our friend has been collecting old movie reels for a long time now and since he's moving to New York, he's leaving them all in our basement (thank you KTA Esquire!). My sweetie spent all day making fruit tarts and lamb kebobs etc. and I decorated the yard with lights, candles and chinese lanterns. We had a pinata and served sangria and mojitos. It was a magical night and over 40 people showed up. If you were in Portland I'd invite you over for our next screening, possibly Blood of a Poet (1930 Jean Cocteau).
We got a lot of positive feedback on our house which we soaked up because it's so much back-breaking work and we're doing everything the hard way. For example, instead of slapping some polyeurethane on the newly stripped and restored fir moldings and ceiling, we decided to mix our own shellac. I had no idea shellac was the natural biproduct of the secretions of the lac bug in India. It looks so pretty lying in shimmery flakes in the jar. Then you just mix it with denatured alcohol and paint it on. It imparts a warm glow to the wood instead of a plastic polish.
I still haven't heard anything from the police about the guy who accosted me at the bus stop. I've started getting up earlier and going to a different stop - and I keep my back to the wall!