Mar 31, 2006 10:45
It's raining ao i might as well blog. well, yesterday was FUN!! I went online and i saw someone online so we talked, then it shifted to rain.. so we said we loved playing under the rain! and that ive always wanted to feel how it was dancing under the rain! so he said, what if we do that today? and then i asked so he said he can come over here then go to dasma for a meeting!
and so i went to the park to meet up with HIM! and well, we wanted to walk under the rain, but it stopped.. SADLY! So first we walked around the park talking and laughing our heads off and talking! And well we got a bit tired and wanted to sit down so we just sat down and talked in Becky's Kitchen. We even saw SASA after her training! hahaha! that was funny! And very random! /:) well, after we just talked and talked and TALKED some more! about the most random things.. haha! and it was so fun cause the topics were so funny! haha! but really.. wow. what a day to remember! But then it had to end.. so he left and i left, but it didnt end there! cause when i got home we chatted pa!
And then he called me up! awwww! 1 month is SO long!!! :( *sigh* well, while online..Chris B. was such a FOCKER (dont worry! not f*****! nthose are 2 different things!)!:P haha! He was making ME gago! meanie! then he was making Gabe gago! and thats when he was REALLY mean! nako! chris talaga! :P Well, we talked for a long time! haha! and it was SO fun! what a DAY to remember! hahah! ;)
so? i dunno what im gonna be doing today but maybe.. just mayeb i can watch RENT with sasa and bobbie!! yay! before workshop! im so excited!!! RENT is SO LOVE!!!!!!!!! <3